MidJourney.com, Create Any Image you want with AI!!!


Nov 1, 2015

At @a16z, we're big believers in the future of AI art.

We couldn't be more excited to share a recap of our first artist retreat hosted last month in NYC.

So grateful to all of the creatives and companies who spent time with us. Hear from them ๐Ÿ‘‡

@nickfloats on the future of art in the age of AI.

"We're definitely at a turning point in art history.

There's now a collaboration between man and machine in a way that's much deeper than it's been in the past."

@KingWillonius on his creative process with AI tools.

"Sometimes it might take 20 times regenerating a song or an image.

But that's the fun part of the process - a lot of times, you stumble upon something brilliant on accident. When that happens, it feels magical."

@RalFingerLP on how the power of the AI art community.

"When I upload a model, the creative way people utilize my stuff is so exciting.

I constantly refresh the site [@HelloCivitai] to see if anyone uploaded an image."

And finally, some ๐Ÿ”ฅ takes on the AI art debate.

"It's the means to get somewhere, it's not the final result....there's always going to be naysayers, but that's fineโ€”we're going to be ahead of them by a mile"
-Roustam Mirzoev

(more from @maxescu, @DaveJWVillalva, @GerdeGotIt)

For more on this event and our investments in AI creative tools, check out:

Elevating AI + Art | Andreessen Horowitz

None of the above should be taken as investment advice or an advertisement for investment services.

Some of the companies mentioned are portfolio companies of a16z.

A list of investments made by a16z is available at https://a16z.com/portfolio.

Oh also forgot to mention!

We'll be posting more content from all the companies that participated over the next week or so - keep an eye out.

In the meantime, thanks to @elevenlabsio, @krea_ai, @HelloCivitai, @ViggleAI, @ideogram_ai, @udiomusic

when's the next one? ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

haha we need to start planning ASAP!

Such a cool initiative! Gives me Bell Labs vibes ๐Ÿ’™


To post tweets in this format, more info here: https://www.thecoli.com/threads/tips-and-tricks-for-posting-the-coli-megathread.984734/post-52211196


Gettin' It In
May 23, 2012
It kind of works how I want. I thought you could upload pics and ask it to imagine it different ways


Nov 1, 2015

Forget Midjourney โ€” Flux is the new king of AI image generation and hereโ€™s how to get access​


By Ryan Morrison
published August 8, 2024

Multiple ways to try Flux

When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Hereโ€™s how it works.


Image generated using Flux.01 running on a gaming laptop(Image credit: Flux AI/Future generated)

New AI products and services come in two ways; like a bolt of lightning with no warning, or after months of constant hype. Flux, by startup Black Forest Labs, was the former.

The AI image generation model is being dubbed the rightful heir to Stable Diffusion and it quickly went viral after its release with direct comparisons to market leader Midjourney.

The difference between Flux and Midjourney is that Flux is open-source and can run on a reasonably good laptop. This means it is, or will, also be available on many of the same multi-model platforms like Poe, Nightcafe and FreePik as Stable Diffusion.

Iโ€™ve been using it and my initial impressions are that in some areas it is better than Midjourney, especially around rendering people, but its skin textures arenโ€™t as good as Midjourney v6.1.

What is Flux and where did it come from?​


Image generated using Flux.01 running on a gaming laptop (Image credit: Flux AI/Future generated)

Flux came from AI startup Black Forest Labs. This new company was founded by some of the people responsible for most modern AI image generation technologies.

The German-based company is led by Robin Rombach, Andreas Blattmann and Dominik Lorenz, all former engineers at Stability AI, along with other leading figures in the development of diffusion-based AI models. This is the technology that also powers many AI video tools.

There are three versions of Flux.01 currently available, all text-to-image models. The first is a Pro version with a commercial license and is mainly used by companies like FreePik to offer its subscribers access to generative AI image technology.

The next two are Dev and Schnell. These are the mid-weight and fast models and in my tests โ€” running on a laptop with an RTX 4090 โ€” they outperform Midjourney, DALL-E and even Ideogram in adherence to the prompt, image quality and text rendering on an image.

The company is also working on a text-to-video model that it promises will offer high-quality output and be available open-source. Branding it: โ€œState-of-the-Art Text to Video for all.โ€

Where can I use Flux today?​

We are excited to announce the launch of Black Forest Labs. Our mission is to develop and advance state-of-the-art generative deep learning models for media and to push the boundaries of creativity, efficiency and diversity. pic.twitter.com/ilcWvJgmsX August 1, 2024

See more

If you have a well-equipped laptop you can download and run Flux.01 locally. There are some easy ways to do this including by using the Pinokio launcher. This makes it relatively trivial to install and run AI models with a couple of clicks and is free to use. It is a large file though.

However, if youโ€™re machine isnโ€™t up to the job there are several websites already offering access to Flux.01 and in some cases, this includes the largest commercial Pro model.

NightCafe, which is one of my favorite AI image platforms, already has access to the model and you could quickly compare that o images from other tools like Ideogram and Stable Diffusion 3.

Poe, the AI model platform, has access to Flux.01 and lets you generate the images in a chatbot-style format similar to creating pictures using tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E.

You can also get access through platforms more typically targeted at developers including Based Labs, Hugging Face and Fal.ai. FreePik, one of the largest AI image platforms on the market says it is also working to bring Flux to its site.


Nov 1, 2015

I tested Flux vs Midjourney to see which AI image generator is best โ€” here's the winner​


By Ryan Morrison
published 9 hours ago

Creating hyperrealistic images

When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Hereโ€™s how it works.

AI generated images of a street musician with a guitar created by Flux and Midjourney

(Image credit: Flux / Midjourney)

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Flux is an artificial intelligence image generator released by AI startup Black Forest Labs in the past few weeks and it has quickly become one of the most powerful and popular tools of its kind, even giving market leader Midjourney a run for its money.

Unlike Midjourney, which is a closed and paid-for service only available from Midjourney itself, Flux is an open-source model available to download and run locally or on a range of platforms such as Freepik, NightCafe and Hugging Face.

To determine whether Flux has reached Midjourney levels of photorealism and accurate human depiction Iโ€™ve come up with 5 descriptive prompts and run them on both. Iโ€™m generating Flux images using ComfyUI installed through the Pinokio AI installer.

Creating the prompts​

Both Midjourney and Flux benefit from a descriptive prompt. To get exactly what you want out of the model its good to describe not just the person but also the style, lighting and structure.

Iโ€™ve included each prompt below for you to try yourself and these should also work with Ideogram, DALL-E 3 in ChatGPT or other AI image platforms if you donโ€™t have Midjourney or Flux but, except Ideogram, none reach the realism of Midjourney or Flux.

1. A chef in the kitchen​


Chef image generated by Midjourney (Image credit: Midjourney/Future AI)

Flux AI image

Chef image generated by Flux (Image credit: Flux AI image/Future)

The first test combines the need to generate a complex skin texture with a dynamic environment โ€” namely a professional kitchen. The prompt asks for a woman in her mid-50s in the middle of preparing a meal.

It also asks for the depiction of sous chefs in the background and for the chef's name to be shown on a "spotless white double-breasted chef's jacket".
A seasoned chef in her mid-50s is captured in action in a bustling professional kitchen. Her salt-and-pepper hair is neatly tucked under a crisp white chef's hat, with a few strands escaping around her temples. Her face, marked with laugh lines, shows intense concentration as she tastes a sauce from a wooden spoon. Her eyes, a warm brown, narrow slightly as she considers the flavor. The chef is wearing a spotless white double-breasted chef's jacket with her name embroidered in blue on the breast pocket. Black and white checkered pants and slip-resistant clogs complete her professional attire. A colorful array of sauce stains on her apron tells the story of a busy service. Behind her, the kitchen is a hive of activity. Stainless steel surfaces gleam under bright overhead lights, reflecting the controlled chaos of dinner service. Sous chefs in white jackets move purposefully between stations, and steam rises from pots on industrial stoves. Plates of artfully arranged dishes wait on the pass, ready for service. In the foreground, a marble countertop is visible, strewn with fresh herbs and exotic spices. A stack of well-worn cookbooks sits nearby, hinting at the chef's dedication to her craft and continuous learning. The overall scene captures the intensity, precision, and passion of high-end culinary artistry.

Winner: Midjourney

Midjourney wins for the realism of the main character. It isn't perfect and I prefer the dynamism of the Flux image but the challenge is creating accurate humans and Midjourney is closer with better skin texture.

2. A street musician​


Street musician image generated by Midjourney (Image credit: Midjourney/Future AI image)

Flux AI image

Street musician image generated by Flux (Image credit: Flux AI image/Future)

The next prompt asks both AI image generators to show a street musician in his late 30s performing on a busy city corner lost in the moment of the music.

Part of the prompt requires the inclusion of an appreciative passerby, coins in a guitar case and city life blurring in motion behind the main character.
A street musician in his late 30s is frozen in a moment of passionate performance on a busy city corner. His long, dark dreadlocks are caught mid-sway, some falling over his face while others dance in the air around him. His eyes are closed in deep concentration, brows slightly furrowed, as his weathered hands move deftly over the strings of an old, well-loved acoustic guitar. The musician is wearing a vibrant, hand-knitted sweater that's a patchwork of blues, greens, and purples. It hangs loosely over distressed jeans with artistic patches on the knees. On his feet are scuffed brown leather boots, tapping in rhythm with his music. Multiple colorful braided bracelets adorn his wrists, adding to his bohemian appearance. He stands on a gritty sidewalk, with a battered guitar case open at his feet. It's scattered with coins and bills from appreciative passersby, along with a few fallen autumn leaves. Behind him, city life unfolds in a blur of motion: pedestrians hurry past, yellow taxis honk in the congested street, and neon signs begin to flicker to life as dusk settles over the urban landscape. In the foreground, slightly out of focus, a child tugs on her mother's hand, trying to stop and listen to the music. The scene captures the raw energy and emotion of street performance against the backdrop of a bustling, indifferent city.

Winner: Midjourney

Midjourney wins again for the realism of the character. The texture quality of v6.1 once again puts it just ahead. It is also overall a better image in terms of structure, layout and background.


Nov 1, 2015

3. The gardener​


Gardening image created with Midjourney (Image credit: Midjourney/Future AI image)

Flux AI image

Gardening image created by Flux (Image credit: Flux AI image/Future)

Generating images of older people can always be a struggle for AI image generators because of the more complex skin texture. Here we want a woman in her 80s caring for plants in a rooftop garden.

The image depicts elements of the scene including climbing vines and a golden evening light with the city skyline looming large behind our gardener.
An elderly woman in her early 80s is tenderly caring for plants in her rooftop garden, set against a backdrop of a crowded city. Her silver hair is tied back in a loose bun, with wispy strands escaping to frame her kind, deeply wrinkled face. Her blue eyes twinkle with contentment as she smiles at a ripe tomato cradled gently in her soil-stained gardening gloves. She's wearing a floral print dress in soft pastels, protected by a well-worn, earth-toned apron. Comfortable slip-on shoes and a wide-brimmed straw hat complete her gardening outfit. A pair of reading glasses hangs from a beaded chain around her neck, ready for when she needs to consult her gardening journal. The rooftop around her is transformed into a green oasis. Raised beds burst with a variety of vegetables and flowers, creating a colorful patchwork. Trellises covered in climbing vines stand tall, and terracotta pots filled with herbs line the edges. A small greenhouse is visible in one corner, its glass panels reflecting the golden evening light. In the background, the city skyline looms large - a forest of concrete and glass that stands in stark contrast to this vibrant garden. The setting sun casts a warm glow over the scene, highlighting the lush plants and the serenity on the woman's face as she finds peace in her urban Eden.

Winner: Midjourney

Once again Midjourney wins because of the texture quality. It struggled a little with the gloved fingers but it was better than Flux. That doesn't mean Flux isn't a good image but it isn't as good as Midjourney.

4. Paramedic in an emergency​


Paramedic image generated by Midjourney (Image credit: Midjourney/Future AI image)

Flux AI image

Paramedic image generated by Flux (Image credit: Flux AI image/Future)

For this prompt I went with something more action heavy, focusing on a paramedic in the moment of rushing to the ambulance on a rainy day. This included a description of water droplets clinging to eyelashes and reflective strips.

This was a more challenging prompt for AI image generators as it has to capture the darker environment. 'Golden hour' light is easier for AI than night and twilight.
A young paramedic in her mid-20s is captured in a moment of urgent action as she rushes out of an ambulance on a rainy night. Her short blonde hair is plastered to her forehead by the rain, and droplets cling to her eyelashes. Her blue eyes are sharp and focused, reflecting the flashing lights of the emergency vehicles. Her expression is one of determination and controlled urgency. She's wearing a dark blue uniform with reflective strips that catch the light, the jacket partially unzipped to reveal a light blue shirt underneath. A stethoscope hangs around her neck, bouncing slightly as she moves. Heavy-duty black boots splash through puddles, and a waterproof watch is visible on her wrist, its face illuminated for easy reading in the darkness. In her arms, she carries a large red medical bag, gripping it tightly as she navigates the wet pavement. Behind her, the ambulance looms large, its red and blue lights casting an eerie glow over the rain-slicked street. Her partner can be seen in the background, wheeling out a gurney from the back of the vehicle. In the foreground, blurred by the rain and motion, concerned onlookers gather under umbrellas near what appears to be a car accident scene just out of frame. The wet street reflects the emergency lights, creating a dramatic kaleidoscope of color against the dark night. The entire scene pulses with tension and the critical nature of the unfolding emergency.

Winner: Draw

I don't think either AI image generator won this round. Both have washed out and over 'plastic' face textures likely caused by the lighting issues. Midjourney does a slightly better job matching the description of the scene.

5. The retired astronaut​


Retired astronaut image by Midjourney (Image credit: Midjourney/Future AI image)

Flux AI image

Retired astronaut image by Flux (Image credit: Flux AI image/Future)

Finally we have a scene in a school. Here I've asked the AI models to generate a retired astronaut in his late 60s giving a presentation about space.

He is well presented in good health depicting a NASA logo. The background is well described with posters, quotes and people watching as he speaks.
A retired astronaut in his late 60s is giving an animated presentation at a science museum. His silver hair is neatly trimmed, and despite his age, he stands tall and straight, a testament to years of rigorous physical training. His blue eyes sparkle with enthusiasm as he gestures towards a large scale model of the solar system suspended from the ceiling. He's dressed in a navy blue blazer with a small, subtle NASA pin on the lapel. Underneath, he wears a light blue button-up shirt and khaki slacks. On his left wrist is a watch that looks suspiciously like the ones worn on space missions. His hands, though showing signs of age, move with the precision and control of someone used to operating in zero gravity. Around him, a diverse group of students listen with rapt attention. Some furiously scribble notes, while others have their hands half-raised, eager to ask questions. The audience is a mix of ages and backgrounds, all united by their fascination with space exploration. The walls of the presentation space are adorned with large, high-resolution photographs of galaxies, nebulae, and planets. Inspirational quotes about exploration and discovery are interspersed between the images. In one corner, a genuine space suit stands in a glass case, adding authenticity to the presenter's words. Sunlight streams through large windows, illuminating particles of dust floating in the air, reminiscent of stars in the night sky. The entire scene is bathed in a sense of wonder and possibility, as the retired astronaut bridges the gap between Earth and the cosmos for his eager audience.

Winner: Flux

I am giving this one to Flux. It won because it had skin texture and human realism on par or slightly better than Midjourney but with a much better overall image structure including more realistic background people.

Flux vs Midjourney: Which model wins​

Header Cell - Column 0MidjourneyFlux
A chef in the kitchen๐ŸŒ…
A street musician๐ŸŒ…
The gardener๐ŸŒ…
Paramedic in an emergency๐ŸŒ…๐ŸŒ…
The retired astronaut๐ŸŒ…

This was almost a clean sweep for Midjourney and it was mainly driven by the improvements Midjourney has made in skin texture rendering with v6.1.

I don't think it was as clear as it looks on paper though as in many images Flux had a better overall image structure and was better at backgrounds. I've also found Flux is more consistent with text rendering than Midjourney โ€” but this test was about people and creating realistic digital humans.

What it does show is that even at the bleeding edge of AI image generation there are still tells in every image that sell it as AI generated.