A lot of
dead artists are going to be cranking out new hits.
A properly interactive version of
Versus for Beethoven and Mozart, complete with trash talking.
Restoration of old movies using this and the visual equivalent as well.
Low budget internet DJs are going to be saturated with vocal drops from dope artists.
Someone is going to Once Upon A Time In Shaolin the the rap game and
start making better music than living artists using this.
"Yeah, I algo'd your voice. You were using it wrong."
Overall its pretty crazy because best believe they used the infancy stages of this tech to create vocal fingerprints for everyone as the folds in your throat are unique so they've probably already got files on everyone from snooping socials. When talented netkids get this its going to be a free for all in terms of image pimping and
all of those fantasy limewires remixes from back when with 50 artists will actually become real.
In a fake sense.