Microplastics Linked to Heart Attack, Stroke and Death


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012

Microplastics Linked to Heart Attack, Stroke and Death​

People who had tiny plastic particles lodged in a key blood vessel were more likely to experience serious health problems or die during a three-year study
Close up side shot of microplastics on a hand.

Khanchit Khirisutchalual/Getty Images
Public Health
Plastics are just about everywhere — food packaging, tyres, clothes, water pipes. And they shed microscopic particles that end up in the environment and can be ingested or inhaled by people.

Now the first data of their kind show a link between these microplastics and human health. A study of more than 200 people undergoing surgery found that nearly 60% had microplastics or even smaller nanoplastics in a main artery. Those who did were 4.5 times more likely to experience a heart attack, a stroke or death in the approximately 34 months after the surgery than were those whose arteries were plastic-free.

“This is a landmark trial,” says Robert Brook, a physician-scientist at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, who studies the environmental effects on cardiovascular health and was not involved with the study. “This will be the launching pad for further studies across the world to corroborate, extend and delve into the degree of the risk that micro- and nanoplastics pose.”

But Brook, other researchers and the authors themselves caution that this study, published in The New England Journal of Medicine on 6 March, does not show that the tiny pieces caused poor health. Other factors that the researchers did not study, such as socio-economic status, could be driving ill health rather than the plastics themselves, they say.


Scientists have found microplastics just about everywhere they’ve looked: in oceans; in shellfish; in breast milk; in drinking water; wafting in the air; and falling with rain.

Such contaminants are not only ubiquitous but also long-lasting, often requiring centuries to break down. As a result, cells responsible for removing waste products can’t readily degrade them, so microplastics accumulate in organisms.
Microplastics are everywhere — but are they harmful?

In humans, they have been found in the blood and in organs such as the lungs and placenta. However, just because they accumulate doesn’t mean they cause harm. Scientists have been worried about the health effects of microplastics for around 20 years, but what those effects are has proved difficult to evaluate rigorously, says Philip Landrigan, a paediatrician and epidemiologist at Boston College in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts.

Giuseppe Paolisso, an internal-medicine physician at the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli in Caserta, Italy, and his colleagues knew that microplastics are attracted to fat molecules, so they were curious about whether the particles would build up in fatty deposits called plaques that can form on the lining of blood vessels. The team tracked 257 people undergoing a surgical procedure that reduces stroke risk by removing plaque from an artery in the neck.

he researchers put the excised plaques under an electron microscope. They saw jagged blobs — evidence of microplastics — intermingled with cells and other waste products in samples from 150 of the participants. Chemical analyses revealed that the bulk of the particles were composed of either polyethylene, which is the most used plastic in the world and is often found in food packaging, shopping bags and medical tubing, or polyvinyl chloride, known more commonly as PVC or vinyl.

On average, participants who had more microplastics in their plaque samples also had higher levels of biomarkers for inflammation, analyses revealed. That hints at how the particles could contribute to ill health, Brook says. If they help to trigger inflammation, they might boost the risk that a plaque will rupture, spilling fatty deposits that could clog blood vessels.

Compared to participants who didn’t have microplastics in their plaques, participants who did were younger; more likely to be male; more likely to smoke and more likely to have diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Because the study included only people who required surgery to reduce stroke risk, it is unknown whether the link holds true in a broader population.

Brook is curious about the 40% of participants who showed no evidence of microplastics in their plaques, especially given that it is nearly impossible to avoid plastics altogether. Study co-author Sanjay Rajagopalan, a cardiologist at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, says it’s possible that these participants behave differently or have different biological pathways for processing the plastics, but more research is needed.

Scary thing is there's no way to know for sure if you even have microplastics in your blood, it's not something doctors test.

And it's hard to avoid even if you eat healthy since they can be breathed in.


Nov 26, 2014
How do we avoid this

The first thing we should do is avoid single-use plastics, especially food and beverage packaging and to-go containers that shed microplastics into what we eat and drink. It has been shown that bottled water has higher levels of microplastics than tap water.

Avoid highly-processed foods. Studies have found more microplastics in processed meats (like chicken nuggets) versus minimally processed options (like whole chicken breast).

Swap plastic cutting boards for wooden or other non-plastic options.

Switch out your plastic storage containers for glass or other non-plastic alternatives. Heat tends to release more microplastics than cold, so in particular, be aware of placing hot foods and beverages in plastic or warming plastic containers or dishes in the microwave.

If you’re a tea drinker, try loose-leaf teas.
Vacuum your living space more often. This will suck up the microplastics that could be inhaled.

To reduce microplastic shedding from your clothes, wash them less frequently and run full loads. When possible, line-dry your clothes.


May 4, 2016
Compton CA/Rosecrans Ave

The first thing we should do is avoid single-use plastics, especially food and beverage packaging and to-go containers that shed microplastics into what we eat and drink. It has been shown that bottled water has higher levels of microplastics than tap water.

Avoid highly-processed foods. Studies have found more microplastics in processed meats (like chicken nuggets) versus minimally processed options (like whole chicken breast).

Swap plastic cutting boards for wooden or other non-plastic options.

Switch out your plastic storage containers for glass or other non-plastic alternatives. Heat tends to release more microplastics than cold, so in particular, be aware of placing hot foods and beverages in plastic or warming plastic containers or dishes in the microwave.

If you’re a tea drinker, try loose-leaf teas.
Vacuum your living space more often. This will suck up the microplastics that could be inhaled.

To reduce microplastic shedding from your clothes, wash them less frequently and run full loads. When possible, line-dry your clothes.
Im cooked been drinking bottled water for over a decade


Sep 6, 2016

The first thing we should do is avoid single-use plastics, especially food and beverage packaging and to-go containers that shed microplastics into what we eat and drink. It has been shown that bottled water has higher levels of microplastics than tap water.

Avoid highly-processed foods. Studies have found more microplastics in processed meats (like chicken nuggets) versus minimally processed options (like whole chicken breast).

Swap plastic cutting boards for wooden or other non-plastic options.

Switch out your plastic storage containers for glass or other non-plastic alternatives. Heat tends to release more microplastics than cold, so in particular, be aware of placing hot foods and beverages in plastic or warming plastic containers or dishes in the microwave.

If you’re a tea drinker, try loose-leaf teas.
Vacuum your living space more often. This will suck up the microplastics that could be inhaled.

To reduce microplastic shedding from your clothes, wash them less frequently and run full loads. When possible, line-dry your clothes.

I have three air purifiers in my one bedroom apartment

That should help huh

  • Dap
Reactions: TEH


Oct 30, 2017
I wouldn’t eat any fukking fish anymore if I were yall. Maybe that farm raised but I think they just beef em up with 🌽


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
I lost a good friend this past week to a stroke. He was 43 years old, never obese but he did smoke and drink. When you combine environmental factors with the physical toll of vices, I think we will continue to see younger and younger people being affected by untimely deaths.