Embarrassing. This dude has no dignity whatsoever.

like most wrestlers, he clearly doesn't have a clear set of principles or morals, but I don't know if I'd jump straight to shytting on his dignity.
It's hard to fight the money, but with as charitable as he tries to appear, he might not want to fukk with that Saudi money right now.
Even if it wasn't at the Saudi show and it was just a regular ppv why the hell would you want to put yourself in that type of match again?!
Man, if he's going to go back for a Hell in a Cell match, now's the time to do it. Them shyts are nothing but no DQ matches with extra window dressing at this point. He has no business doing it at his age, or in his condition, but the worst they'll ask of him is maybe going through a table, or landing on some tacks if they want to go crazy. HIAC matches are sold almost entirely on prior reputation at this point.