What happen?
After the AJ Lee situation, he stopped talking to her.
"I show up at Tribute to the Troops," said Beadle, "I see him in the hallway, I say 'what up, f–kface', which is my very loving way of referring to my friends. I don't call my friends… I just… I'm an idiot. I call them all kinds of names, that's how you know I like you. He was alone in a hallway, he didn't really say anything. I was with P.R. from WWE and my assistant and we walked by. The next thing I know, she's in my face yelling at me and I honestly, I swear to you, thought it was a joke."
As Lee blasted Beadle, and the Sportsnation host thought it was a joke. She said Punk had his back to both of them the whole time, and she couldn't believe what was happening. WWE public relations were apologetic to her on site, but Beadle said it wasn't their problem. She thought the situation would be put to rest, until she saw it as a big story on wrestling sites and sports blogs. She decided to send out a three-part tweet on Twitter, explaining her side of the story.
"Phil and I stopped being friends that day and I wish him the best of luck and that's it," said Beadle. "It's a bummer because I always respected him. I thought he was one of those cool guys that kind of didn't fall into a certain role and kind of did what he wanted but to watch all that happen and to have somebody tattle on me and have their girlfriend get in my face is a little pathetic. But it's okay, I've moved on."