Michele Bachmann ‘Goes Rogue


Apr 30, 2012
Boogie Down BX
one of the things that made me despise democrats during Bush's time in office was how blatant their hating was and how angry all the liberals seemed

And republicans are doing the same exact thing just hating on the president just to hate...its possible to critique without coming off so angry and unappealing

i think politics is a lost cause people will do what it takes just to "win" heck they will go against things they even supported in the past in the name of partisanship
i'm honestly tuned out of politics...there are solutions but not with the charade that exists today

Bruh I'm with you. Dudes in HL act like fox news is terrible but they sit there and watch the left-wing equivalent in MSNBC. People like you on the right and all these liberals in here is what's wrong with this system. You fit your views into small boxes like "Democrat" and "Republican" and cant see outside of it. And the worst part is dems and repubs are practically the same.

Edit: I forgot about your first part. I try to be objective and we've had some time to look back on it... George bush Jr was the worst president we've seen in awhile. And what's even worse is Obama has carried on a lot of his policies.

:rudy: dont remember dems in congress doing the same shyt to bush


Live to Strive
May 4, 2012
LOL @ you of all people wanting CFA's and Economists to run for President.

You supported the War in Iraq and Iran. Nuff said.

Where are you when people in HL and KTL constantly pointed out that the US Military is gorging on the budget and has no need to be that large?

A CFA and economist would have invested that wasted military bread in the infrastructure of the US which would provide jobs for millions of citizens.

A CFA and Economist would have BEEN legalized marijuana and taxed the fukk out of it and used that money to fund education, knowing that a well educated and skilled populace is not only key to the productivity of the nation but also to the ability of our best and brightest to compete on the world stage.

Cut the bullshyt "I'm above it all" type posts dog, everyone in HL knows you, knows what you're about, the fact that you post LESS of the bullshyt doesn't mean you don't believe it in, it just means you're tired of all the regulars shytting on you.

I've always said i would support marijuana legalization...i don't do it its just a principle issue with me.

And there are a number of alternatives that can be done with the budget in terms of privatizing and making military spending more efficient and at the same time creating tax laws that are pro economic growth. The explosion that would have occured had a lot of that bailout money was replaced with a 2 year payroll tax holiday would have been amazing for the economy

but again all these mathematicians aren't perfect they all were cool with buying up derivatives on worthless assets and using up bank reserves...breh just fall back on the anger and this idea that shyt is so black and white and that your a gi joe and republicans are king cobra....relax the world isn't that simple


Change is inevitable...
Jun 6, 2012
Brooklyn, NY
:rudy: dont remember dems in congress doing the same shyt to bush

You don't remember the dems yelling out during the state of the union calling George W. Bush a liar?

You don't remember the Dems disrespecting Bush's ethnicity? Insulting the memory of his mother, father, and grandmother? Saying racist things about him? Belittling an academic background that puts most members of the political establishment to shame?

You don't remember any of that? That's good...cause they did'nt fukking happen :laugh:

As I said before, false equivalency.
I've always said i would support marijuana legalization...i don't do it its just a principle issue with me.

And there are a number of alternatives that can be done with the budget in terms of privatizing and making military spending more efficient and at the same time creating tax laws that are pro economic growth. The explosion that would have occured had a lot of that bailout money was replaced with a 2 year payroll tax holiday would have been amazing for the economy

but again all these mathematicians aren't perfect they all were cool with buying up derivatives on worthless assets and using up bank reserves...breh just fall back on the anger and this idea that shyt is so black and white and that your a gi joe and republicans are king cobra....relax the world isn't that simple

Yet another post where Sly attempts to be "above it all" yet supports the very ideologies that have harmed the country in the past, continue to harm them today, and will continue to harm them in the future.

You have no...NO logical defense against cutting the military budget in half. The US military could be cut in half and we'd STILL be the most powerful in the world, and no real threat would come to US soil ever.

Yes Sly, the wealthy and the large corporations WANT to pay people better and WANT to not prey on the less fortunate but it's those goddamn taxes man :no:

If only people understood the finer points of the free market :sadcam:

LOL @ the Gi Joe analogy...who's GI Joe and who is Cobra in this, the Dems or the Repubs? STFU dog :laugh:

Deep down inside, your are the same right wing filth that you espouse to now be "above", you just don't want people to shyt on you or put you in that box.

What you WANT is a "CFA or Economist" that caters to YOUR particular world view


Apr 30, 2012
but she looks like she can suck a mean one


:ahh: :ahh: :ahh: :ahh:


Dead End

Rican B*stard
May 5, 2012
NW Chicago
She's a reflection of racist white suburb dwelling CAC in Minnesota. There's no where else in this state she could have been elected in. Minneapolis is leftist and multiracial, same with St. Paul. I mean, even the farmers in this state are liberal. Minnesota is the closest to a social democracy we have in the U.S. She just represents the deranged 2nd and 3rd ring suburb white people who are in the minority in this state. These are the type of people that avoid South Minneapolis because of the Somalis and Natives.


Feb 15, 2013
one of the things that made me despise democrats during Bush's time in office was how blatant their hating was and how angry all the liberals seemed

the anger at the bush admin was warranted. the carefree misrepresentation of the facts, cherry picking and shaping of intel, even blatant lying if necessary to force the war in iraq was the root of the hate. even colin powell had to jump ship after it became clear to him that he was used. it doesn't help that most people believe that bush shouldn't have won the election in the first place.

so the dislike of bush was based on rational and real information. no some false fear mongering, race bating or good ol boy politics that has been used by the gop since 2008.

And republicans are doing the same exact thing just hating on the president just to hate...its possible to critique without coming off so angry and unappealing

no, the republicans hate for obama clearly exceeds their respect for the office of the president and well established political decorum. no president has been treated like obama, ever. to even suggest it's nearly the same is dishonest.

the biggest gop gains in congress and local political representation over the past 4 years were accomplished out of a campaign of anger...at obama "and what he represents". 'get angry' was more or less the unofficial tea party and gop slogan. there also has never been a time when an oposed political party pledged to do whatever they can to make sure the president's agenda fails even at the cost of hurting our country. the gop took that pledge though.

bachmann has kept her political office by feeding on this hatred and blatant lying as necessary. she is a perfect example of what's wrong with politics.