Michael: The Michael Jackson Biopic from Antoine Fuqua, Starring Jaafar Jackson | October 3, 2025


Mar 26, 2017

Small gripe.
That's not Mike's Bad-era hair. :ufdup:
As they say, they devil is in the details.
MJ fans know him, his life, and career like the back of their hands and if easily researched details like how he wore his hair in a certain period are glossed over, then how does that bode for major biographical details?
I still think this should be a bio-series like New Edition but with an appropriate budget for the magnitude of the subject and not a feature but fukk it, the horse is out of the stall and the family has approved.
Elvis' entire career was roughly only 20 years, so that's doable as a feature.
Mike's public career was 40 years (1969-2009), not counting the 5 years prior that the Jackson 5 was tearing up the Chitlin Circuit.
Last edited:
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Small gripe.
That's not Mike's Bad-era hair. :ufdup:
As they say, they devil is in the details.
MJ fans know him, his life, and career like the back of their hands and if easily researched details like how he wore his hair in a certain period are glossed over, then how does that bode for major biographical details?
I still think this should be a bio-series like New Edition but with an appropriate budget for the magnitude of the subject and not a feature but fukk it, the horse is out of the stall and the family has approved.
Elvis' entire career was roughly only 20 years, so that's doable as a feature.
Mike's public career was 40 years (1969-2009), not counting the 5 years prior, that the Jackson 5 was tearing up the Chitlin Circuit.

Thats his mid-way between Thriller and Bad hair. This COULD be either a scene where Michael is first rehearsing for the tour or they haven’t applied all the prosthetic hair to the actor to allow him move more freely while rehearsing FOR the scene


Life is absurd. Lean into it.
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection
Spike Lee was the one to make this movie. Not only did he have a personal relationship with Michael but he already has the history, lore, and research down with doing the Off The Wall and Bad documentaries. But Spike DEFINITELY would have dived into the racial aspect of what the Jackson journey represents regarding the African American experience and producers can’t have that for a biopic of this magnitude.
Spike could direct, I can easily think of a few moments in his life that Spike's trademark hallway still single cut would be iconic. I definitely think there's a few directors who could handle. Hell Baz Luhrmann, wouldn't even be bad if it just focused on the glam side of Mike's life.

My concern is, so many people know intimate details of Mike's life, and there's so many lenses you can look at Mike's life through; triple entendre don't even ask me how; and ALL of those lenses would be correct. You won't satisfy the max amount of viewers to be commercially viable because everyone is going to have an opinion and a lot will say it's wack. See the recent Pac and Big documentaries. Elvis, wasn't the greatest biopic of all time, but could capture a lot more of the essence of him, because honestly, most people are hazy on his true essence because it's been so long.

So either you wait so you can tell a "mostly" accurate narrative or you can do it like Fassbender "Jobs" movie that captures a slice or a few select slices of Mike's life and the actor gets to focus and put in a better perspective of the portrayal.

I don't know much about Jaffar, but finding a serviceable dancer, a serviceable singer, a great actor, and to do that believably for 40 years of Mike's documented life will be difficult to say the least. And it's Michael Jackson, nothing less than Oscar caliber is suitable. That's why I don't even think they should make it, because they are predictably going to Hollywood it up, when it DOESN'T even need to be Hollywooded up to make bank or tell a true narrative that still honors his legacy.

Dynamite James

The Main attraction
Apr 25, 2018
You know
Thats his mid-way between Thriller and Bad hair. This COULD be either a scene where Michael is first rehearsing for the tour or they haven’t applied all the prosthetic hair to the actor to allow him move more freely while rehearsing FOR the scene
This was simply rehearsals


Rest In Power Kobe
May 1, 2012
Spike Lee was the one to make this movie. Not only did he have a personal relationship with Michael but he already has the history, lore, and research down with doing the Off The Wall and Bad documentaries. But Spike DEFINITELY would have dived into the racial aspect of what the Jackson journey represents regarding the African American experience and producers can’t have that for a biopic of this magnitude.
Biographies, biopics, etc should never be created by people close to the story.

Thats one of the reasons why Bohemian Rhapsody was a garbage movie and kind of unfair to Freddie Mercury.

Rocketman was better but only because Elton John actually decided to be vulnerable.

Straight Outta Compton was dope but Dre decided to skirt a lot of things.

Spike Lee would make a decent ish movie—since he doesn’t know how to end films—but it wouldn’t give a raw story.