Michael Keaton returns in "Birdman" Official Teaser Trailer


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
:ohhh:you don't say.

thanks for the heads up!


please don't lump me in with ADD moviegoers. i'm not 12 and i'm a not a mouth breather. i don't need splosions and cool graphics to be entertained. i just found birdman extremely disengaging and overblown. i was not only bored watching it, i was irritated. that and i don't think the movie is nearly as smart or as intriguing as it's fans are making it out to be. a few small laughs and few good scenes but it's overly preachy and it builds to absolutely nothing. i cannot for the life of me understand where the hype is coming from. i thought it was terrible.
Like seriously, how could a movie praised so much been so boring? :mindblown: I was so uninterested, it wasn't deep the story was basic, the whole one take camera trick didn't impress me. I mean the acting was good I geuss.. I continue to not understand what critics like in movies


Aug 30, 2013
Saw this the other day, and while the performances were great, I didn't really like the movie. Michael keaton on lock for the Oscar and everyone else really did a good job even Zack ganafalaos. I just thought that movie was filled with deporable people. Every single one of them were a$$holes. There were definitely levels to this movie that is for sure. I honestly think you need to be in the theater business, to fully appreciate this movie. I do like the way the movie was shot.

As far as the ending
I do think he died at he end, his nose is not going to heal in one day, especially if he shot his nose off, his wife is there with him, His daughter is actually being nice to him. He got great reviews in the paper etc. Isn't Birdman suppose to be Icarus (roman mythology, Icarus flew too close to the sun with wood wings held together with wax, it melted and he fell to his death) He was too ambitious. I think the whole shot at the end was him flying to the sun

The casting was seriously great, I mean to Michael keaton, who was best known for playing Batman? :mindblown:
The dualities. :banderas:
For real though, he has not been in a movie where he was lead since Batman.


May 11, 2012
Saw this the other day, and while the performances were great, I didn't really like the movie. Michael keaton on lock for the Oscar and everyone else really did a good job even Zack ganafalaos. I just thought that movie was filled with deporable people. Every single one of them were a$$holes. There were definitely levels to this movie that is for sure. I honestly think you need to be in the theater business, to fully appreciate this movie. I do like the way the movie was shot.

As far as the ending
I do think he died at he end, his nose is not going to heal in one day, especially if he shot his nose off, his wife is there with him, His daughter is actually being nice to him. He got great reviews in the paper etc. Isn't Birdman suppose to be Icarus (roman mythology, Icarus flew too close to the sun with wood wings held together with wax, it melted and he fell to his death) He was too ambitious. I think the whole shot at the end was him flying to the sun

The casting was seriously great, I mean to Michael keaton, who was best known for playing Batman? :mindblown:
The dualities. :banderas:
For real though, he has not been in a movie where he was lead since Batman.

Poetical Poltergeist

Precise and cold hearted
May 7, 2012
Mile in the Sky
This flick wouldve worked better without the "birdman" shyt. him flying and imagining and hearing voices. i mean it kind of resonates but the movies is good without all of that. there arent a lot of laughs, there couldve been more but its just one of the films where they have to go to left field for really no reason. i still kind of like the movie and Keaton is very good in it. Great directing and acting.


May 11, 2012
You looked that up, didn't you playboi? :sas2:

no breh

ima be mad if the blu was delayed


the cool

May 1, 2012
I didn't like it.

That's to say, I'd give it a 3/5 because you can't really argue against the thing that do work here (often also the thing working against it), but when it ended I was left with the oldest question in the universe, what's the point?

Because there doesn't seem to be any, or maybe there is, buried somewhere under the self-absorbed insinuations, implications and imaginations that are the trademarks of Inarritu's ever growing pretentious career. If you thought he couldn't outdo Babel, think again!

And that's my problem with it, there's a movie here that works, and then there's everything that doesn't. When the movie begins, the meta stuff with Keaton's and Norton's characters being exaggerated versions of themselves is kinda funny, as well as the occasional fourth wall breaking like the street drummer playing the soundtrack to the movie. But then it goes on and on and it just becomes increasingly self-indulgent, a movie overly pleased with itself for how elaborate it believes it is

But in the end, what do we have? A story we've really seen many times before, with the cliché ending to accomodate it. Acting performances that know one highlight in Keaton, a couple performances played too self-consciously to be truly great by Norton and Watts while Emma Stone proved to me once again that we've long seen the best she has to offer as an actress, and it really isn't that much.

Camera work that seems like it's impressive but serves no purpose and strangely, often falls flat. To me the tracking shot is the ultimate form of showing off in a movie, to boast your impeccable strength as a filmmaker by staging the most complex situations imaginable, and then play it out in a single take. But if you don't have anything to show off, again, what's the point? This is a two hour movie where at least 90 minutes are dialogues, so a lot of the shots start with a camera entering a room, a scene plays out, then the camera moves out. Rinse and repeat, with little to no variation. The truly impressive shots can be counted on one hand, like the big Birdman blockbuster hallucination and Riggan's underwear journey on the street that ends with him getting back on stage.

But a worse offender is that the cuts become more obvious as the movie goes on, and the "one long tracking shot illusion" gimmick starts to work against itself. You aren't supposed to 'notice' cuts, that's the whole goal behind editing. This concept often only works when things are so hectic that a 'shift' isn't that noticeable (see Children of Men and True Detective's copy/pasted action filled "tracking shots"), but like I said, here so many of the shots are alike that each cut moment is right in front of you, and I actually started to think this would've worked better if it was cut up a bit more. That's not to diminish how technically impressive the camera work in the movie is, but in the end it more often feels like an extensive gimmick than something that truly adds something to the movie.

What we're left with is an experience remarkably empty for a movie filled to the brim, possibly because it all adds up to a whole bunch of nothing. The best made failure of the year.
Yea what he said


Nov 19, 2014
The 36 Chambers
30 minutes in to this & I'm looking to throw this shyt straight to the recycle bin, if it don't pull me in....been pretty weak so far IMO.


Nov 19, 2014
The 36 Chambers
This film was straight trash, fukk those critics who praised this shyt.

My take on the ending.....Since hallucinations was a factor in this bullshyt movie...I think dude killed himself on stage, the whole hospital scene was a hallucination (Maybe his daughters, since she seemed kind of loony) & it was really a funeral, thats why his daughter & wife was being nice to him, even seeing him 1 by 1 to say goodbye, i think she even placed those roses on his chest like they do in funerals.....the final scene was also a hallucination, shyt was a metaphor for his daughter letting go & finally accepted that he's gone to heaven...which is why he was flying towards the sky.
Sep 5, 2014
I think the ending was meant to be open to interpretation, but what I took from it was this.



My take is that the voice in his head and the flying were meant to be a representation of how he viewed his career and his self throughout his early life. The voice is when he was at his peak POPULARITY....the Birdman...so that is his voice. His ability to move things around was just an extended representation of that....how he saw himself and how everyone else saw him for a brief time in the past....but doesn't see himself that way now.

But...he is making this play and putting his money on the line because he has finally realized he traded a relationship with his daughter and his wife for that "ability", and it is his last ditch effort to make his legacy match the voice in his head and the "powers". He thinks he messed it up with his daughter, but hopes to at least become something she can be proud of from a career/legacy standpoint.

She, in the movie, cared more about the relationship than his career....but it shifts as they bond a little over the social media thing. She even makes his twitter page and that speech telling him he can have "power" and that she gets it and he doesn't. By the end she starts seeing him a little differently, and I think the ending is simply meant to represent that finally....at the end.....SHE saw him more at that figure he was seeing all those years.

The taxi scene gives away....very cleverly...that it was something he was seeing.....that he is the ONLY one who sees himself that way or wants to.

At the end, the only other person who saw him that way too was his daughter.....he was flying again and they had reconnected a little.

That is what I got from it anyway.

It worked for me. I never really embraced the idea it was supposed to be "real"

And I also think it was meant to translate to regular life, not just "celebrity". A lot of people have that way they see themselves, then the way your family sees you, and maybe the way you really are.....even if you are a Shoe Salesman (tm Al Bundy).