Art Barr
You post like the drug-addled white hick rapist with CTE that you named yourself after.
You are nowhere near the goat you fake named after. While i am the goat tho.
Plus the wrassler you talking about may have had issues. Yet he was the best inring performer in the history of wrasslin. So next time realize i emulate the goat part. While actually being the real life skilled next best skilled emcee in rap.
behind the real goat juice too tho.
Plus i am the goat nba live player.
The goat nba jam player
Plus the goat internet poster.
Plus the goat internet sales closer.
While yousa nobody non draw.
who can't spell.
or emulate rakim right tho.
While emulating emo cleveland cav dookie licker based fans.
on a Grandiose tier of at best slammy shyt level posting.
Art Barr