Mike and biggie both hung around crips..but mike was more official.
Makes u wonder was mike behind the pac hit
Makes u wonder was mike behind the pac hit
I have to laugh at any black man trying to claim Michael Jackson as a black hero. the guy clearly had no interest in being black. in fact he went out of his way to try to not look black. He lightened his skin, straightened his hair, and went through all kinds of plastic surgery to not look black and to look white.Michael Jackson was more black than people give him credit for. I hate what the media did to his image.
I have to laugh at any black man trying to claim Michael Jackson as a black hero. the guy clearly had no interest in being black. in fact he went out of his way to try to not look black. He lightened his skin, straightened his hair, and went through all kinds of plastic surgery to not look black and to look white.
Dude was a great artist no doubt about it but I have no interest in trying to claim him as a black hero because clearly he hated black people and being black himself so fukk him. You guys are clowns.
Michael Jackson was more black than people give him credit for. I hate what the media did to his image.
Imagining thatnikkas expected mike to play gimme da loot around lil kids
Yeah. Chris Tucker said Mike liked Rick Ross
Why y’all posting Unbreakable? This Time Around was their true collab while Biggie was alive. Unbreakable is a mashup.
Mike was a flawed individual, but his issues didn't impact his appreciation for Black Music and the black community.
I wouldn't consider him a hero because I can't get past how he presented himself and the self-hatred he had of his own skin. However, I give credit where credit is due, and can't deny that he made some major contributions to help the less fortunate.
He's always going to be a polarizing figure because some of the decisions he made. I can understand both perspectives.
But he hurt himself in the process. Something was clearly bothering him internally. I think fans who ignore Micheal's self harm are apart of the problem. He was wasn't a perfect machine, he was a human being.Criticize a black man that has done more for black people around the Globe than you ever will,brehs
this is the back story of the day this song was recorded:
madandcrazy: 2 Kings: When Biggie Smalls Crossed Michael Jackson's Path
Michael used to call people to ask them to participate on albums. It was interesting knowing that nearly anyone on the planet would come to the phone if it were Michael calling.
Anyway, I heard rumors that B.I.G. was going to come, and I was excited about that! I knew that I would be the one to record that, as I had recorded nearly all of that tune, "This Time Around".
Notorious strolls in. He was quite an imposing figure when he walked in, as he was quite popular at the time.
I had no idea what to expect from him in terms of attitude, but he seemed nice when he walked in. No problem.
But almost immediately, he blurted out, "Yo, Dallas, can I meet Mike?" To which, Dallas replied that he thought so.
Biggie went on to talk about how much this opportunity meant to him, as Michael was his hero.
Anyway, Dallas tells him that we're going to lay down the rap first, so Biggie heads in the booth, we get some headphone levels and get ready to start recording.
So, we hit the big red button (on a Sony 3348 machine), and away we go. During his first take, Dallas and I looked at each other, because it was spot on. wow. I was impressed, and so was Dallas. We listened back, and Dallas was like, "Wow, I think we got it". As I recall, we took another take for good measure, but I'm fairly certain that we ended up using the first take. So, Notorious comes in, and asks if he can meet Michael now. We sent word to the back room where Michael was working that Biggie was finished and wanted to meet him.
Simply for security, Michael's security would enter and make sure that no one was in the room that shouldn't be, and once that was confirmed (it was just me, Biggie and Dallas) Michael came in.
Biggie nearly broke out in tears...I could tell how much this meant to him. Well, Michael could have this effect on anyone, even the most hardcore rappers!
Biggie was tripping up on his words, bowing down and telling Michael how much his music had meant to him in his life.
Michael was, as always, very humble and kept smiling while Biggie just went on and on how much he loved Michael.
I watched Biggie just become this big butterball of a man, and it was really very sweet to witness. After all, we are all just people.