Michael Jackson "Billie Jean"


Apr 2, 2018
Man it is always special to watch this video and see him with his original skin tone. I have the larger than life Michael with the military jackets and aviators that this video reminds me that homie really was just a brotha from Indiana.


Sep 25, 2012
man that was back in the 80s like i said when i was movin mad weight and runnin about twelve traphouses. i don't even remember about 8 years out that decade cause i was flossin so flagrantly with it. had imported from taiwan or somewhere a midget dude that just stood there in a loincloth after i painted him. one night i was in there doin what i do and we was like fifty deep in the spot and then they called me up and said mike wants to come through. i had met him through my uncle who had mad connects in the entertainment industry, one of which was bobby brown, who my aunt had sued for settin her hair on fire accidentally which is a whole nother story. so mike came through with his dudes and like all of em had on full sequin outfits and was floodin and was bald as fukk. only michael had hair and his shyt was in dreadlocks but with the curl still applied. after about thirty minutes, he asked if anyone wanted to play foosball and we didn't have a foosball table. he pulled out some shyt like a iphone, i kid you not, and called someone and they brought a table over there. so two dudes got up to the table and michael got on the other side and started serving everyone in the house. every time he'd score, he would do the 'he he' shyt and spin and dudes was gettin agitated, cause he ain't even have a teammate, it was just him and he was doin the work of two men. then he kept sayin 'you like that joseph, you like that?'

so finally, after about two hours, he just turned to leave and someone said some shyt like 'fruity bytch' and michael turned and said 'the fukk you say?' and before dude could respond, he did a spin kick which was so surgical that it cut like 80 percent of dude's hightop fade off. everyone was in shock but only for a second and then they started to rush mike, but i wasn't gonna let him go out like that so i jumped in front of my boy and this one guy reached into my giant aquarium where i had these twenty lb catfish and was throwin em at me like spears and i was karate choppin them bytches IN HALF brehs, on some straight jedi type shyt. then i looked and like thirty dudes had surrounded mike and this is the pinnacle of the story, the part where no one will believe the shyt happened, but it did, michael raised his hand in the air, yelled, then did the tornado kick from street fighter that ryu and them be doing. not the regular one, but the one that sucks people in if they are too close. dudes was flying in and gettin the shyt kicked out they asses and papers and styrofoam was flyin all over the goddamn place. then a pitbull got loose in there and got fukked up too when the candelabra fell on him from above. but like i said, that was in like 89 and i was pretty fukked up on cocaine for most of that decade lol.