Tenchi Ryu
Ashtray B!tch
MJ posing for the Midway team while they were constructing his model for Ready 2 Rumble
I thought I read somewhere Lisa Marie convinced him to settle out of court the lawsuit..he didn't want to.the thing is... i had a teacher who was convinced he was a pedofile and i told her ass.... if you had a hundred million dollars and could make a lawsuit go away, would you. and she just blinked in my face for 2 minutes. that's when i started getting selective with arguing with people who are supposed to be "more intelligent" than me. lol.
he could foreal be a pedo btw, but i havent seen any actual fully convincing evidence.
Yep did the mocap and everythingMike was in Ready 2 Rumble?
MJ was a gamer?????
I forgot about Ready To Rumblework, only wanting to be in the game.
MJ was a beast on this game