Black folks who date out aren't any different than blacks who don't.
You got a ton of black athletes, entertainers, business people, and high level professionals, who are with black women, who may give something, but don't use their substantial net worth in a manner that would greatly benefit the black community. That is a black community issue - not a blacks who date/marry interracially problem.
People want to make it their problem, because they don't like who they are with.
If we had a real community, nobody would care as much about what the swirlers do. But because so many people are dropping the ball, we're jus scapegoating everybody. shyt, regular blacks could pool funds together and make a lot of things happen if we WANTED to. If 'everybody' give, it wouldn't be a strain on the collective.
Lastly, we spend our money with white folks. The vast majority of us. How is this different from swirlers?
Keep in mind, I'm not defending swirlers like they're right, but only highlighting that they are but part of a larger issue in our community.