Gotta reflect the times.
his opponent should be some version of a MAGA WS supporting a WS presidential candidate. The fight has people drawing lines in the sand across racial lines.
or they can go the FBA route. Creed vs an up and coming african fighter who calls him a lazy akata and shyts on his rich upbringing. Have Francis Ngannou play the opponent.
I written a post last year about how Coogler should put Chadwick Boseman, playing twin brothers who are up and coming boxers, in Creed 3 and 4 and how you should reverse the "Black Panther" dynamic, only for MBJ to kill off Boseman, playing onw of the twin brothers, in the ring and have Creed's legacy into a murderer and turn him to the very thing that haunted him: death itself. Then the other twin, also played by Boseman, would avenge MBJ and defeats him in the ring, ending the 3rd film abruptly.
The 4th film would revolve around Creed, now a disgraced boxer in the public's eye, explaining to his daughter on why daddy killed another man in the ring, leaving a family of his own behind, as well as letting his twin brother beat him in the ring. Creed makes the ultimate decision to his family to make the rematch against the other twin, his FINAL fight of his career and to prove that he can retire on top, without having to KILL his opponent.
That was my script.....but, you know, 2020 happened and Chadwick is no longer here with us.

That would be a fitting conclusion to the Creed series that I written up.