Not to mention he killed 5 cops and one of them was an open white supremacist (he had white supremacist tattoos on his forearms). So with 3600 cops on the Dallas Police Force with a random sample showing 20% possibly being white supremacists, you do the math on that.
On another note, I owe folks like @Dafunkdoc my life. Seeing brain rotted c00ns like him come out the militar brainwashed is what convinced me not to join that racist dumpster fire
nothing of value was lost.
someone said "and nothing changed" sometimes it's not about change
an eye for an eye, payback.
it is what it is. i do not support killing anyone, but not all heroes wear capes, not all heroes are what i'm specifically seeking out.
micah johnson and chris dorner did nothing wrong in my eyes. i don't
advocate for violence, but i'm not everyone so I can't claim to speak for everyone.