MH370: The Plane That Disappeared | Official Trailer | Netflix


Allahu Akbar
May 5, 2012
The Ummah!
The pilot theory is throwing shyt at the wall. They provided no reason. No background. No signs he was suicidal or had fantasies of killing people with him. More than likely has to do with some cargo/passengers on board that some country wanted eliminated. I watched ep1. And there is nothing that proves the pilot theory.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Whats the prevailing theory of what happened to the plane?

Watching on streaming
Canceled Netflix account

Everyone knows the pilot killed himself by purposely crashing the plane as far out in the middle of nowhere as possible.

People don't want to believe the simplest explanation. Has to be aliens, or government conspiracy all the time. Plane crashed in the ocean. The ocean is huge. And one day wreckage will be found.

Lots of wreckage has already washed up.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The pilot theory is throwing shyt at the wall.


How is it "throwing shyt at the wall" when he literally had the route mapped out already and had been practicing it on his flight simulator and every signal from the plane makes clear the pilot was in control?

They provided no reason. No background. No signs he was suicidal or had fantasies of killing people with him..... I watched ep1. And there is nothing that proves the pilot theory.

Maybe you should do basic research instead of just believing a show trying to hype "the mystery". :francis:

Friends of the the pilot, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, told aviation specialist William Langewiesche that he had become obsessed with two young models he had seen on the internet after his wife left him, and that he "spent a lot of time pacing empty rooms."

A fellow pilot said: "Zaharie’s marriage was bad. In the past he slept with some of the flight attendants. And so what? We all do. You’re flying all over the world with these beautiful girls in the back. But his wife knew."

There is a strong suspicion among investigators in the aviation and intelligence communities that he was clinically depressed.

Mr Langewiesche wrote: "There is a strong suspicion among investigators in the aviation and intelligence communities that he was clinically depressed."

He was having affairs, his wife left him, and he has multiple friends who say he was acting clinically depressed.


Allahu Akbar
May 5, 2012
The Ummah!

How is it "throwing shyt at the wall" when he literally had the route mapped out already and had been practicing it on his flight simulator and every signal from the plane makes clear the pilot was in control?

Maybe you should do basic research instead of just believing a show trying to hype "the mystery". :francis:

Friends of the the pilot, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, 53, told aviation specialist William Langewiesche that he had become obsessed with two young models he had seen on the internet after his wife left him, and that he "spent a lot of time pacing empty rooms."

A fellow pilot said: "Zaharie’s marriage was bad. In the past he slept with some of the flight attendants. And so what? We all do. You’re flying all over the world with these beautiful girls in the back. But his wife knew."

There is a strong suspicion among investigators in the aviation and intelligence communities that he was clinically depressed.

Mr Langewiesche wrote: "There is a strong suspicion among investigators in the aviation and intelligence communities that he was clinically depressed."

He was having affairs, his wife left him, and he has multiple friends who say he was acting clinically depressed.

The pilots home stimulator mapping that route is crazy. And i agree would prove he did that shyt. Problem is Malaysian authorities are the ones who investigated that. Malaysia is obviously covering up what really happened. So that evidence can't even be taken fully into account. Pm Rizaks gov was ultra corrupt and also closely allied with the Obama admin prior to the 1bm scandal.

And getting a divorce and smashing multiple chicks doesn't make 1 suicidal. That's a reach. So i still don't understand how people are acting like the pilot doing it is a fact . More than likely he's a scapegoat

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The pilots home stimulator mapping that route is crazy. And i agree would prove he did that shyt. Problem is Malaysian authorities are the ones who investigated that. Malaysia is obviously covering up what really happened.

This is the problem with pilot suicides, is that their nations don't want to admit it. Egypt has never acknowledged that EgyptAir Flight 990 was a suicide even though you can literally hear the pilot whispering his suicide prayer as he manually turned off autopilot and shut down the engines., they blame equipment failures. China has never officially admitted that China Eastern Airlines Flight 5735 was a suicide, even though that determination has been leaked. Mozambique's investigation found that LAM Mozambique Airlines Flight 470 was downed by suicide after the pilot locked the co-pilot out of the cockpit, but the government has failed to acknowledge or disclose this. A joint investigation by Indonesia, USA, Australia, and Singapore found that SilkAir Flight 185 found that the flight was downed by suicide and the flight recorder had been manually stopped 5 minutes before it crashed, but Indonesian authorities overruled the findings and keep blaming equipment failure.

That's 4 major commercial jet suicides that the nation in question has refused to acknowledge as suicides. Egypt, China, Mozambique, and Indonesia. Malaysia is the 5th.

And getting a divorce and smashing multiple chicks doesn't make 1 suicidal. That's a reach.

His friends said that he was lonely moping around all the time and they thought he was clinically depressed. Plenty of people get suicidal after their wife leaves them. It doesn't mean everyone whose wife leaves them becomes suicidal, maybe 9 out of 10 guys are fine. It's only this guy that matters. You said no motive yet the motive is right there.

His family moved out of the house literally the day before he crashed the plane.

May 13, 2012
I guess the pilot could have just dived the plane but the theory that he turned around and let the plane run out of fuel and did it that way doesn't seem right to me although possible. Surely he would have just dived into straight down after his last message to air traffic?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Lmao @ people in here treating the pilot theory as an absolute fact. Yall in reality dont know shyt

1. He had the suicide route mapped out on his home flight simulator

2. His friends said he was clinically depressed and his wife had found out about his affairs

3. His family moved out of the house the day before the suicide flight

4. He spoke normally to air traffic control just 2 minutes before diverting the flight

5. The flight was diverted at the exact minute it was between air spaces, so that it would take the longest time possible for anyone to notice.

6. The flight diversion was so severe it could only be undertaken manually by an experienced pilot

7. The plane's electrical systems were manually shut off, then manually brought back online later.

8. The flight path does an odd hook to take an extended view over the pilot's home island.

9. The plane flew off-course in controlled flight for at least 6 hours

10. Wreckage from the plane has been found washed up on islands in the Indian Ocean.

Australian ex-prime minister Tony Abbott has stated that Malaysian officials at the highest levels told him they believe it was a suicide and have known this from the beginning.

"Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah was "terribly upset" that his marriage with wife Faizah Khan was falling apart, a longtime friend told the New Zealand Herald newspaper Wednesday.

"He's one of the finest pilots around and I'm no medical expert," said the friend, who is also a pilot and insisted on not being identified. "But with all that was happening in his life, Zaharie was probably in no state of mind to be flying."

I don't see how you take all that evidence that points to the same conclusion, and instead would favor a conclusion that has no evidence whatsoever. Because there is zero evidence for equipment failure, zero evidence for controlled landing, zero evidence for hijacking, and in fact the above data explicitly argues against those things because they all appear to show that a pilot had to be in charge of the plane the whole time and the plane wrecked in the end. What other possible explanation makes sense?


May 6, 2012
PAT 2 HTown
This would have been better without that cac Jeff. And I'm raising my eyebrows at the cac that found all the debris. Essentially this doc is full of cacs coming up with their own theories. But I agree the most simple answer is likely the answer here. Murder suicide by the captain.