Awesome Wells
The Ghost of Jack Tripper
I'ma listen to Meth entire catalogue* out of respect.
*Not Tical 0...
Exactly. Never Tical 0.

I'ma listen to Meth entire catalogue* out of respect.
*Not Tical 0...
We dont know what dude did to his daughter. Had to be some FOUL shyt for it to still be up 10 years later.
28 but this is apparently a boyfriend she had 10 years ago.
Best reply so farBrought the pain
Not really. A fistfight in 2025 over your daughter isn't a crash out.If this wasn't a beloved veteran rapper, people would be calling him all kind of names... "crashout", "dumbass", "degenerate"
Whatever the ex-boyfriend did...he deserved to get punched
Free Meth
damn I used to see Meth in the gym too lmfaooo