edit: hol up they doin creed and splinter cell movies

If this were a perfect world and it was 20 years ago, Kurt Russell. All he'd have to do is play Snake Plisken
I was thinking Tom hardy as well. But if he's doing splinter cell I don't see him being able to do bothFukk who plays Snake now? Seriously I'm drawing a blank. I'm watching 300 now and Gerard Butler has the attitude to pull it off but I can't see him with the hair. Tom Hardy would be another good choice but he's doing Splinter Cell. Jack Bauer would be a good choice too but he's fukkin Jack Bauer
edit: hol up they doin creed and splinter cell movieswhere the fukk i been
Time Machine, go back and get young Eastwood and bring back to play Snake
Seriously though, I think Jackman would be a good choice.
Oh God not him..Not too big a fan of Avi Arad producing since he's largely to blame for almost everything wrong with the Spider-Man movies since SM3, but maybe they can do right by this.