None of those are on PlayStation.
Gears is still great, killzone was Sony's answer for gears and that franchise is basically dead
Forza is known as better than gran turismo which was the leader in the industry. You guys still get excited by new entries even tho they series as a whole is less than Forza which you downplay because you're jealous.
Forza horizon is the premier racing game period and you wouldn't even know because you're a fanboy. Stop downplaying EXCELLENT games, you look stupid doing that

But let's talk about the other games.
perfect dark
Elder scrolls 6
Star citizen
Fallout 5
hellblade 2
The medium day 1 gamepass
The Gunk
That's 12 games and I didn't even get to all the studios who have confirmed next gen games soon to come. I didn't mention God of war combat designer working on that perfect dark reboot along with the main producers of uncharted.
But hey, you got some cross gen titles and like 20 remasters that will cost you full price. But at least you don't need a new TV to see them in their full glory