I hate bytches that go and start drama in front of family, airin out y'all problems etc
cryin bout u like u treat her like a dog
makin u look like tha bad guy, makin BOTH of y'all look dumb by doin that, can't stand hoes like that, str8 embarrass u in front of tha fam bam , u be lookin at tha bytch like 
why do bytches sabatoge they own relationship like that? It's like damn bytch toughin up and let's talk about it before u run and tell everybody every argument/problem of our relationships
u bytches get some class 
bytch over there cryin to YOUR moms, momma lookin at her like

cryin bout u like u treat her like a dog

why do bytches sabatoge they own relationship like that? It's like damn bytch toughin up and let's talk about it before u run and tell everybody every argument/problem of our relationships

bytch over there cryin to YOUR moms, momma lookin at her like