This was an amazing show. Loved it.
I loved how al-mesih was played. He never gave a definitive answer to anything. He let people interpret their own choices and own decisions. When someone asked him a question he answered it with a question. I liked how Arab Trey Songz was always looking off in the distance or somewhere else like he was on another plain. It helped create that mystique about himself.
I fukked with Felix the Finessa. He was so desperate to believe, he craved direction, but al-mesih gave him none. Everything Felix did he did and got cause he made the decision. Reminded me of the "god helps those who helps themselves" saying.
But what I love most about the show is what it speaks to following people or false prophets. We see it all the time in politics, social media, general life. You follow people and you dont know who they really are, where they're going or what their intentions are.
The 1st group who followed him, yeah he "saved" them but he also left them to die. They waited for him to return yet he never did (when Jesus comin back yall?
And because of that it split people into 2 groups. The group that were stout believers and followers, and those who felt betrayed. The boy who was a believer (who i believe is the true messiah) went on to be priest and the one who was iffy ended up becoming a terrorist cause he was forced to follow something. Then you had the brotha who was on the fence. He was more angry and confused and didnt really know which way to go.
Really loved that aspect.
The only parts I didnt really care for was the whole chick not being able to get pregnant part. Though Im glad they didnt end it like i thought they were with him making her a believer by her getting pregnant.