Message to Coli black men in our 20s (and 30s)


Arab Money
Apr 4, 2015
I was browsing a few different threads and some bros on here seem that they are struggling right now (esp evidenced by the "How Much Do You Currently Have In Your Bank Account" thread). I'm assuming nobody wants to remain that way (or don't want to end up broke after achieving a certain level of financial freedom).This is the perfect time for BM to rise. This is a long post but if you're a bro who wants to better your situation, you may want to read it all. No i don't think i'm "better than you", i've been there myself but had to figure out how to get out of it. I figured out how to triple my salary in the span of about 4-5 years (legally). I'm speaking from experience.

I see a belief going around that suddenly one day you can suddenly lose your job and go broke. Yes that was the end result: But what led up to that? 90% of the time it involved negligence on your end. Here is why:

- Put pride aside and ask yourself honestly: What would happen if you were laid off today and how much money would the company lose as a result? If the answer is less money than your salary - You are in danger of being laid off RIGHT NOW. If the answer is less than double your salary - Your job could be automated in the future. A lot of bros don't see it coming because they are unaware of this (or won't believe it when i say it). IT IS ONLY WHEN YOU MAKE THE COMPANY AT LEAST 3X YOUR SALARY OR 200% ROI THAT YOUR JOB IS SECURE. THE SAME STANDARD CAN BE HELD WHEN YOU ARE YOUR OWN BOSS AND PROVIDE B2B SERVICES - YOU NEED TO DEMONSTRATE VALUE TO YOUR CUSTOMERS/EMPLOYER - THIS APPLIES TO EVERYONE, EVEN THAT FOOD TRUCK VENDOR ON THE STREET.

- Have you been keeping abreast on the company's financial health? Can you name the top 5 biggest stakeholders in the company and do you know what their personality is?

- Are you aware of the status of political alliances of upper management?

Starting this process requires a few things: put down the X Box controller, drop the false bravado, stop fukking thots unprotected. Save. Take that high paying job you might hate for a year or two and stack paper. This is what cacs/Asians do and how they get ahead. This is what i had to do to a certain degree after graduating Uni to get on track.

A lot of this is discipline and STAYING AHEAD.

DON'T GET COMPLACENT. A lot of dudes tell themselves, "Well I'm doing better than some people, I'm OK". nikka no you not "OK". When people rest on their laurels they eventually slide into failure. Progress will leave you behind. My bros in the IT industry already know this. You always have to be up on the new shyt. Don't be "content".

Always look into the future. Of course you take a LITTLE time to relax, but it should be very little. Even the wealthy know this. Look at Richard Branson for instance, billionaire business magnate, but STILL hasn't stopped trying to beat his own achievements and hit his own goal posts. Because he's NEVER SATISFIED and you shouldn't be either.

Another benefit to constantly moving is that it's less likely that you'll get caught up in nonsense i.e. child support payments, drama, illegal activity etc. TBH you shouldn't even know what these rap nikkas are doing and what hoes they're fukking,etc you should be so busy working on your own empire that you don't even know the latest gossip.

The path to greatness is easier and closer than you think, but it isn't glamorous. It's about DELAYED GRATIFICATION and aiming high. You have to first believe in yourself, i see a lot of dudes who don't even believe in themselves and that counts you out from the beginning.

Lastly.....learn to soak up information without letting your emotions get in the way. Being too emotional is another way a lot of BM get off-track from their true potential. It's too many dudes who think like bytches...."oh what he's saying is true but i don't like the way he said it, it was rude" "it's true but i can't listen because of [unrelated incident]" etc.
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Sammy Steez

All Star
Jun 14, 2012
Needed to hear this.
I'm 26 and have steady full-time employment (for now).
I want to create other streams of revenue outside of my salary and earn my MBA before 30.

The MBA is the key to unlocking that $100K+ salary.
But I'm at a loss for how to create meaningful revenue (legally) outside of my 9-5.


May 6, 2012
Yes, never get complacent. Easier said than done, though. I've been with the same company for 5 years. I've moved up but am getting that itch. Might take a look around just to see what's out there.


Oct 17, 2012
Some of the realest shyt in this thread i'm falling into being complacent myself doing so many jobs over the years where I made good money but the environment and people were toxic. Now i'm at place where the enviornment is good but the pay could be much better it's comfortable but I know it isn't good for monetary growth.

Had to rep put shyt in perspective.

Sammy Steez

All Star
Jun 14, 2012
Some of the realest shyt in this thread i'm falling into being complacent myself doing so many jobs over the years where I made good money but the environment and people were toxic. Now i'm at place where the enviornment is good but the pay could be much better it's comfortable but I know it isn't good for monetary growth.

Had to rep put shyt in perspective.

Finding that equilibrium is really really tough.