Gotta change my mind. I like this thread idea and it's fun to see peoples picks. I got a couple things to say first. I think both body and face are factors here. There are a lot of facially gorgeous women but their bodies might not be on par ie they may be stick skinny, or have almost no ass or breasts.
And a lot of dudes on here comparing women with professional makeup, hair artists, professional photographers etc to women in pictures taken by an iphone or regular dslr camera.
Bad, beautiful, sexy, gorgeous
Meagan Good - She's bad facially and body wise. Not so much in the pic below but today and in the past 5-10 years her body is very curvy.
Yaya DaCosta is also gorgeous but her body ain't up to par compared to Meagan Good.
Lex Scott Davis is also fine but again her body ain't curvy like Meagan Good's is
Now for average