I like thick women too.
Thick, Slim Thick, Slim, Natural. I love them all![]()
. These all make my "bad/sexy/attractive" list btw
I already know how you look though. I've seen your pics and I think you even have one still in your avi lol.
Post more of avg to you.
Can you list the reasons why you picked the avg-"ugly" ones. I can't really get anything clear from these pics except for you are young or you look young for your age, but still has sharp/slim facial features and I think you are skinny-avg sized. Your "ugly" girl isn't even ugly, she just isn't well put together. That makes me think you like girly girls and/or high maintenance women. You're either avg with higher standards or you are attractive.
Yeah. I already did 3 people and none of them posted their pics lol. They only told me if I was right/wrong about how I thought they looked.
Yeah, she does look a little older, but still cute for you. lol
I'd guess she was in her early 30s and you are around 25?
Missy elliot isn't ugly in my eyes
If she's below average then standard average is too high
She has nice features
This was fun, but one-star for the lackluster finish. Imma keep chasing dimes. Obligatory
Catch me a Justine or stay single. No other option.
This seems interesting I will play this game
1). BEAUTIFUL (10/10)
2).AVERAGE (6/10)
3). UGLY
Sorry but i had to include the last one. Most overrated white girl in hollywood. Only found her sexy in horrible bosses. They all average to me.
I like thick women too.
Thick, Slim Thick, Slim, Natural. I love them all![]()
. These all make my "bad/sexy/attractive" list btw
I think you're short to avg height for a male(shorter than 6ft1, probably 5ft8-5ft11). Medium to dark skintone. Thick to avg for a male/not skinny. Older, around 30.
Makes me think of Nas. Idk why lol
I said the exact same thing, it's still interesting to see what brehs post tho as their bad, average and ugly tho.how can you judge what a breh looks like based off women he likes
we ALL like bad bytches, from bummy brehs to thorough ones. end of story.
retarded thread is retarded.
Not from the hood lol. I live in Houston.Some of the girls you're posting look kind of hood.lol Where are you from?