Breh the difference is the average civilian Woman not doing this for a living. She is often medically ignorant.
Escorts get nasty bumps down stairs a client sees that and will ask for a refund best case scenario - Worst case beat her ass into a coma. Desperate SIMPS on the other hand that delude themselves will see that same shyt on a civilian chick and rationalize to themselves that it's "acne".
The motivation is obviously different here. A civilian Woman is looking for mainly attention and free shyt and sex is a lower priority. A pro is looking for money first with sex being the means to that end. A pro understands that sex needs to be provided but her cleanliness will determine her livelihood.
The majority of REPUTABLE pros are getting tested AT LEAST once every 3 months. The majority of civilian Women get tested once a year AT BEST due to their ego and will openly LIE to their doc and regularly forget to get pap smears or visit the OB/GYN. How do I know this? I know a lot of seemingly "Professional/Corporate" Women who are self-proclaimed nuns that have "Somehow" come down with the clap and/or re-occurrent yeast infections and whisper this shyt to their co-workers asking what they should do
Some even talking about "prescribing" antibiotics another received for bronchitis to treat "possible" chlamydia infection
The difference is pros talk to each other and compare symptoms (if any) meanwhile civilian Women rationalize to themselves they don't need to see the doctor because they are "careful" and only fail to use condoms "with a few guys". A Pro will know where the clinic is to get the appropriate test to confirm and get the appropriate diagnosis and prescription because different antibiotics work best depending on what you got (if it's not the Magic Johnson).
Excuse me but I'll take the risk fukking a pro that demands condoms are used (with 90% of clients) and has good reviews over a random civilian bytch that last saw her OB/GYN in 2012 and fukks raw multiple times a year because "she's not ovulating"