My friend pointed out that RDJ also said in interview that the ear piece helped him with the accent of Sherlock. So he had a brit feeding him lines too? cmon B. dikk Van Dyke side eyeing from the grave
The Film Room has established itself as a legit source of info about Film/TV/Innanet if it believes that those talented folks in entertainment, who is striving for excellence via their commitment to the craft, should always be rewarded, then the Film Room needs to be the opposing force against actors cheating while being payed as if they're making any family-time/emotional sacrifices
With the constant interference of studio higher-ups trying to make the same lowest-common-denominator pap for everyone and constant rewrites, that's probably a necessity at this point. Any solid actor will simply lean more on their improv abilities.
What that means industry-wide long term is another story.
With ear piece, no need for improv, thus no measure of solid actor
What that means for industry is
-union representation for those feeding lines,
-award shows' categories differentiating actors who memorizes from those that don't
-decrease in actor pay for not having to do as much any more
-new lane for voice actors to eat...they'll feed lines and how to deliver it
nothing is stopping others. I’m sure it would be distracting to some and many would prefer not to have someone talking in their ear.
no I could not care any less about wether Samuel L Jackson was being fed lines. The performance is what I’m enjoying. How they pulled the performance off is irrelevant to me. whether it’s getting fed lines, wearing a fat suit, elaborate makeup, ingenious camera angles, whatever, I don’t care what trickery they use as long as I can’t tell that they’re using it.
It’s like Jay-Z makes a big deal about doing his songs in one take. That may be an impressive skill, but it’s not one that makes me like his music any more or less.
it's also impressive that Hov writes his own and knows how to say verse, that what puts him in the elite level that I once put RDJ
Fat suit/camera angles/makeup are all out of actors' add knowing your lines, that's lame
well is their job to be an actor or a line memorizer? i have a great knack for memorizing lines, but lordt knows aint nobody wanna see me try to seems to me they're delivering on the part that matters
good point. But what if you're being told how to say it the part that matters is compromised