Melissa Ford: nothing worse than being well known and broke


May 2, 2012
So we are incapable of making the right decisions when it comes to exalting men over women to make yourself feel better about your gender, but when it comes to being blamed for the problems of the community and holding all of the responsibility of correcting it, women should be considered the only notable decision makers available :lupe:

Why would you invest in a stock that if it falls once, never has the chance of going back up again? Especially if you claim that stock only needs one small misstep in order for that fall to happen? lol Where is this logic you keep talking about that you are using? I just don't see it. All I see is you making logical leap after logical leap to never put any accountability on Black men's shoulders, while allotting them all the benefits of someone who does take all that on.

i just wrote out a few paragraphs, but backspaced it. i'm just going to ask this, since you've already alluded to black boys being inherent failures; what is your solution to the problem? you're attached to a group of men that are going to automatically fail in society, while you do so awesome. now what?


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
i just wrote out a few paragraphs, but backspaced it. i'm just going to ask this, since you've already alluded to black boys being inherent failures; what is your solution to the problem? you're attached to a group of men that are going to automatically fail in society, while you do so awesome. now what?

I'm not saying Black boys are inherent failures, YOU ARE. I am far more of an advocate for them than you are, because you believe they are useless beings who will just chase their dikks around and women are smarter and therefore must lead them p*ssy first into productivity. You talk about Black boys like savages. There's nothing empowering or helpful about the way you view them.

You and the men that think like you are the one who puts responsibility in the lap of Black women/girls and Black women/girls alone, because you don't view Black men/boys capable or worthy of holding it, not even for themselves. The coli males/Black males that think like you have no expectations, or to be quite honest, LOW expectations for Black boys, and thrust your views off on me. But I don't share your opinion of them and never will.

King Poetic

Soul Rebel
Feb 15, 2013
125th to Africa
The reason these older women like Sanna, Melyssa, Kenya Moore, tyra banks, tracy ellis ross, taraji henson and some others are not being chosen is because alot of dudes right off the bat think these women mindset is i'm the BOSS, I'M THE MAN, I DON'T NEED A MAN OR I'M A TOP NOTCH WOMAN WHO NEEDS TO BE WINE AND DINE AND YOUR JUST A GARBAGE MAN OR CONSTRUCTION WORKER WHO MAKES $40 TO $60,000 A YEAR SO U NOT ON MY LEVEL... AND THIS GOES ON WITH WOMEN IN OUR NEIGHBORHOODS WHO MOST OF THE TIME IS MAKING THE SAME OR LESS MONEY BUT THEY CONTINUE TO HAVE THIS FANTASY OF A CERTAIN TYPE OF MAN IN THERE LIVES AND END UP BEING :camby: BY THEM SAME DUDES.

I wish her luck but if she doesn't change her mindset and kick back to reality she's going to have a hard time


May 2, 2012
I'm not saying Black boys are inherent failures, YOU ARE. I am far more of an advocate for them than you are, because you believe they are useless beings who will just chase their dikks around and women are smarter and therefore must lead them p*ssy first into productivity. You talk about Black boys like savages. There's nothing empowering or helpful about the way you view them.

You and the men that think like you are the one who puts responsibility in the lap of Black women/girls and Black women/girls alone, because you don't view Black men/boys capable or worthy of holding it, not even for themselves. The coli males/Black males that think like you have no expectations, or to be quite honest, LOW expectations for Black boys, and thrust your views off on me. But I don't share your opinion of them and never will.

how are you an advocate for black boys? you believe they're lagging behind because there's not enough accountability being placed on them. we're not talking about teens, or grown men, we're talking young boys here.

edit: and you didn't answer my question. what would you have done w/us. what is your solution to the problem. don't just say "take accountability" or meaningless phrases like that

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
The reason these older women like Sanna, Melyssa, Kenya Moore, tyra banks, tracy ellis ross, taraji henson and some others are not being chosen is because alot of dudes right off the bat think these women mindset is i'm the BOSS, I'M THE MAN, I DON'T NEED A MAN OR I'M A TOP NOTCH WOMAN WHO NEEDS TO BE WINE AND DINE AND YOUR JUST A GARBAGE MAN OR CONSTRUCTION WORKER WHO MAKES $40 TO $60,000 A YEAR SO U NOT ON MY LEVEL... AND THIS GOES ON WITH WOMEN IN OUR NEIGHBORHOODS WHO MOST OF THE TIME IS MAKING THE SAME OR LESS MONEY BUT THEY CONTINUE TO HAVE THIS FANTASY OF A CERTAIN TYPE OF MAN IN THERE LIVES AND END UP BEING :camby: BY THEM SAME DUDES.

I wish her luck but if she doesn't change her mindset and kick back to reality she's going to have a hard time

All them females came up in the late 90s where all them super thug rappers had them multi-platinum albums and dating/ fukking all them hoes are mentally tainted (and probably traumatized) from that era. Now that their ovaries are drying up, their fantasy of their king saving them will never come true. That goes for regular females too, thinking that their aging bodies with their sagging asses and titties can still attract balling ass dudes from their $15 an hour secretary jobs can trick on them :dead:


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
how are you an advocate for black boys? you believe they're lagging behind because there's not enough accountability being placed on them. we're not talking about teens, or grown men, we're talking young boys here.

Your question doesn't make sense because boys and girls are influenced by the expectations placed upon them by adults so its not them I'm referring to when I'm talking about accountability. So with me clearing that up to you, compare the expectations you put on the male sex versus the female sex and then you tell me why Black boys are lagging :mjpls:

edit: and you didn't answer my question. what would you have done w/us. what is your solution to the problem. don't just say "take accountability" or meaningless phrases like that

You never answered any of my questions either. And I have iterated my solution several times already in this thread and all the others you and I have had our run ins. The solution is to preach sexual responsibility and restraint to both genders. To let both genders know that they need to be protective of who they cum in/who cums in them and if they aren't, they are 100% responsible for taking care of the child that might come from it.

I know, you will come in and tell me males of all races are disgusting sluts and there's no changing that. But this problem only seems to be an issue in Black communities, why? Even with it being a well known fact that white women are far more promiscuous on average than Black women, why are Black children fatherless and white children not, if not for the attitudes that we are ingraining in our boys about sex and responsibility?


Oct 17, 2012
The reason these older women like Sanna, Melyssa, Kenya Moore, tyra banks, tracy ellis ross, taraji henson and some others are not being chosen is because alot of dudes right off the bat think these women mindset is i'm the BOSS, I'M THE MAN, I DON'T NEED A MAN OR I'M A TOP NOTCH WOMAN WHO NEEDS TO BE WINE AND DINE AND YOUR JUST A GARBAGE MAN OR CONSTRUCTION WORKER WHO MAKES $40 TO $60,000 A YEAR SO U NOT ON MY LEVEL... AND THIS GOES ON WITH WOMEN IN OUR NEIGHBORHOODS WHO MOST OF THE TIME IS MAKING THE SAME OR LESS MONEY BUT THEY CONTINUE TO HAVE THIS FANTASY OF A CERTAIN TYPE OF MAN IN THERE LIVES AND END UP BEING :camby: BY THEM SAME DUDES.

I wish her luck but if she doesn't change her mindset and kick back to reality she's going to have a hard time

when has she said this.
and do you actually know all the guys she's dated
i mean we can assume this, but do you know this as an absolute fact?


May 2, 2012
I know, you will come in and tell me males of all races are disgusting sluts and there's no changing that. But this problem only seems to be an issue in Black communities, why? Even with it being a well known fact that white women are far more promiscuous on average than Black women, why are Black children fatherless and white children not, if not for the attitudes that we are ingraining in our boys about sex and responsibility?

because white women are more likely to use birth control, and choose guys who they believe will actually be there for them. far as i know, most non-black women are not real big on the 'make a 1 night stand the father of my children' stuff. hell, i got two boys that are married to white chicks. did they stick around cus they were oh so self hating, or because they built a real relationship before deciding to procreate?

and the reason female choice is important is because it's not always going to be some black male who did them wrong. i see a couple of these black women walking around w/half-mexican babies as well. are black men supposed to take blame for that too?
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Will Ross

May 5, 2012
Your question doesn't make sense because boys and girls are influenced by the expectations placed upon them by adults so its not them I'm referring to when I'm talking about accountability. So with me clearing that up to you, compare the expectations you put on the male sex versus the female sex and then you tell me why Black boys are lagging :mjpls:

You never answered any of my questions either. And I have iterated my solution several times already in this thread and all the others you and I have had our run ins. The solution is to preach sexual responsibility and restraint to both genders. To let both genders know that they need to be protective of who they cum in/who cums in them and if they aren't, they are 100% responsible for taking care of the child that might come from it.

I know, you will come in and tell me males of all races are disgusting sluts and there's no changing that. But this problem only seems to be an issue in Black communities, why? Even with it being a well known fact that white women are far more promiscuous on average than Black women, why are Black children fatherless and white children not, if not for the attitudes that we are ingraining in our boys about sex and responsibility?

How hard is if for you to understand that black women are choosing losers to be fathers of their kids?
Women like you want to make it seem like every black man has a kid and does not take care of it. When it really a small number of men that have a gang of kids by multiple women that are causing the problem.


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
because white women are more likely use birth control, and choose guys who they believe will actually be there for them.

I knew the white women exalting was coming. Its true what some have said, 9 times out of 10 the Black men who accuse Black feminists of this and that are actually projecting their own views onto them.

far as i know, most non-black women are not real big on the 'make a 1 night stand the father of children' stuff.

There are plenty of examples of this happening. The difference is that the males don't live in a community where not taking care of that child, under whatever situation it was created in, is looked at like ":ehh: thats normal an expected"

hell, i got two boys that are married to white chicks. did they stick around cus they were oh so self hating, or because they built a real relationship before deciding to procreate?

Pretty sure if it was the reverse, a Black woman married with children with a white man, you know you'd say the former is the answer. So let's go with that :ehh:

and the reason female choice is important is because it's not always going to be some black male who did them wrong. i see a couple of these black women walking around w/half-mexican babies as well. are black men supposed to take blame for that as well?

A couple is the key word here. You see far, far, faaaaaaaar more non-Black women walking around with little mixed raced babies with no father in sight. If the result is the same even with different races of women, who are you really kidding acting like its Black women's choices? Black men simply aren't being taught sexual responsibility, neither the good nor the so called thugs. You, who claim to be above the thugs you claim to hate, view fatherhood in the exact same way as the thugs--optional, and not primarily your responsibility. Why do you think that is?

Gifted one

May 1, 2012
I knew the white women exalting was coming. Its true what some have said, 9 times out of 10 the Black men who accuse Black feminists of this and that are actually projecting their own views onto them.

There are plenty of examples of this happening. The difference is that the males don't live in a community where not taking care of that child, under whatever situation it was created in, is looked at like ":ehh: thats normal an expected"

Pretty sure if it was the reverse, a Black woman married with children with a white man, you know you'd say the former is the answer. So let's go with that :ehh:

A couple is the key word here. You see far, far, faaaaaaaar more non-Black women walking around with little mixed raced babies with no father in sight. If the result is the same even with different races of women, who are you really kidding acting like its Black women's choices? Black men simply aren't being taught sexual responsibility, neither the good nor the so called thugs. You, who claim to be above the thugs you claim to hate, view fatherhood in the exact same way as the thugs--optional, and not primarily your responsibility. Why do you think that is?

No offense but every time I see you post it's always on some black men are always at fault type thing, no matter what it is


Oct 29, 2012
I knew the white women exalting was coming. Its true what some have said, 9 times out of 10 the Black men who accuse Black feminists of this and that are actually projecting their own views onto them.

There are plenty of examples of this happening. The difference is that the males don't live in a community where not taking care of that child, under whatever situation it was created in, is looked at like ":ehh: thats normal an expected"

Pretty sure if it was the reverse, a Black woman married with children with a white man, you know you'd say the former is the answer. So let's go with that :ehh:

A couple is the key word here. You see far, far, faaaaaaaar more non-Black women walking around with little mixed raced babies with no father in sight. If the result is the same even with different races of women, who are you really kidding acting like its Black women's choices? Black men simply aren't being taught sexual responsibility, neither the good nor the so called thugs. You, who claim to be above the thugs you claim to hate, view fatherhood in the exact same way as the thugs--optional, and not primarily your responsibility. Why do you think that is?
Arent you the chick that said her father told her to not date black guys?