It seems Tory has smart lawyers and Meg has dumb lawyers. Social media is not real court although it is in public opinion but that means nothing when sitting in that court house.idgaf about what the police report says. if tory did not shoot her he would have responded. LAPD has the gun. Megan can't lie her way around ballistics. Tory is silent. If he didnt shoot her why you think he wouldnt speak up?
So her prints are on the gun right? why hasnt Tory said that?
social media has sped life up so much people want a potentially life changing event for someone to speak up in just a week (now a month but people been saying that since week 1).
no different then now when a rapper releases a diss on someone, that they worked on for days/weeks, people expect the person getting dissed to respond in 24 hours now

social media has destroyed reality in so many peoples minds.
is tory guilty? Maybe.
if hes innocent though I hope he goes crazy on every one disowning him from the city girls to chance the rapper, publicly.