Avisible Man
S/N: 52093850
This is embarrassing. Kamala has to separate herself from this ratchetness ASAP. Can you imagine the Trump ads on this shyt?
Separate from it?
Nah. She need to get in on the action like George Bush

This is embarrassing. Kamala has to separate herself from this ratchetness ASAP. Can you imagine the Trump ads on this shyt?
This what happens when your biggest female artists only talk about their p*ssyThis ain’t it.
"If yALl HaTE bLaCk WOmEn jUSt sAy It"
I think u missed the sarcasm
Yeah… sure…and maybe they could have Lebron and Giannas have a dunk contest…
CosignMalcolm X told yall about these negroes.....