Median wealth of Black Americans 'will fall to zero by 2053', warns new report


Jun 22, 2014

They do not understand.
Especially since they never saw affirmative action in it was phased out for the young Gen before they were cognitive. So all they know is the depression I mean the recession and think this is cool.

This is why Obama jerked us as president cause reinstituting affirmative action should have been his scope. Instead of partnering with corporations making gay people in to a higher status legally than every American. Plus lying in bed with the equivalent of cobra the same style of corporation that ruined America in the first mid nineties corporate layoff leading to the change in affirmative action in the beginning.

Now they see.
In fifty years,...
next year is fifty year anniversary to civil rights for white women. Hopefully someone pays attention to the plan to purge America of any minority, especially black person.
ever being worth A damn in this white world based country.

Art Barr
What status did gay people get that was higher than every other American? :mjlol:

But anyway making projections out to 2050 for the usa is silly. This country won't even be around then...
Why would you think this? The US is one of the most stable countries on the planet, even with mass civil unrest, the United States isn't going anywhere. Only thing that may happen between now and then is that Puerto Rico may be able to shed it's status as a colony and become a legitimate state like Hawaii.

Who said anything about giving money back? Sit down for a minute and collect your thoughts before you respond to me next time. You're all over the place.

Obama didn't prosecute any of the major Wall Street players for their role in the housing crisis even though he had ample opportunity to do so. The housing crisis reduced black wealth to virtually zero.

Black victims of the housing crisis didn't cause or "feed" the crisis any more than a rape victim "feeds" her rape by being a woman.
You tried to name-drop Obama as if his actions on Wall Street had anything to do with the recession as it related to Black people.
Either you mentioned him because he was supposed to pursue action, or because you put him at fault. Either way, it has nothing to do with this conversation and shouldn't have even been mentioned.
And the poverty of Black people fed the crisis. The crisis was literally generated by predatory loan/mortgage companies loaning money to poorer Black peoples w/ high interest rates for over-valued properties. I watched that shyt happen ground zero here in Cleveland.

Controversial - but if the US ever allowed more skilled migration from Africa, that may help Af-Ams communities. I've noticed that the power of white supremacy has made these African immigrants, over time, become part of the Af-Am fold. Most of their children marry Af-Ams (or their own cultural group). Associate with black people (incl. Af-Ams). Pick up the cultural mannerisms of Af-Ams etc.

However, this is just a stop-gap band-aid.
Only if they ingratiated themselves in the AA community here, I could definitely see major growth.
Oct 15, 2014
That's my question.
Why try to to fierce another group to identify with you when we have all the pieces we're looking for.
Their are already Caribbean and AAs living on the continent we need to link with them first!
You got it. That's exactly my point. But since it's unlikely that our system will ever be fair to us, we should use the benefits of being us citizens as leverage and expand as a people globally. They have new england. Where is new Harlem? :mjgrin:
Jan 19, 2017
And in the meantime, while we fight to become mass employed by white corporations and the government...

In Harlem, the "soul food" is sold by South Koreans.


In South Central Los Angeles, the Cambodians are becoming rich off of selling fried chicken to black folk.


nikka!!!!! I get my hair cut over by 135th & 7th. One day months ago I mosey on over for greens, mac & chicken at this soul food spot not too far on Lenox. I make my way to the register and I see one Asian at the register with more in the back working but it doesn't stop there. When I see the chef in his white overcoat looking like that Asian nikka from Lost I was like :picard::bryan:


African American Princess
Aug 14, 2014
You got it. That's exactly my point. But since it's unlikely that our system will ever be fair to us, we should use the benefits of being us citizens as leverage and expand as a people globally. They have new england. Where is new Harlem? :mjgrin:
It's nice to see a Boack man talking about this!
I agree every other group even other Blacks (e.i. Jamaicans,Nigerians& etc.) have their Diaspora all over the world making money and sending it back.
African americans need to do the same.
I think Australia, New Zealand and Singapore are great for starters they are all English speaking!
Then of course African countries such as Rwanda, Kenya,and Namibia.
I think we'll fare better in countries where we don't have ancestral ties oddly enough.


May 1, 2012
You tried to name-drop Obama as if his actions on Wall Street had anything to do with the recession as it related to Black people.

Because it did. He presided over the largest assault on black wealth in decades and failed to prosecute any of the major players who facilitated it. In fact, during his first term, his leading economic policy adivsers were individuals who created the destructive policies that led to the bubble in the first place.

Obama stood by as Wall Street got away with exploiting poor black people to line their pockets. And not only did he stand by, he rewarded them handsomely for their crimes

I should've known you were an Obama fanboy. You nikkas get real juelz.gif soon as any criticism is directed towards him.

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
Why would you think this? The US is one of the most stable countries on the planet, even with mass civil unrest, the United States isn't going anywhere. Only thing that may happen between now and then is that Puerto Rico may be able to shed it's status as a colony and become a legitimate state like Hawaii.

2050 chief.

Yeah the USA is stable right now... but I don't see that lasting until 2050.
Oct 15, 2014
It's nice to see a Boack man talking about this!
I agree every other group even other Blacks (e.i. Jamaicans,Nigerians& etc.) have their Diaspora all over the world making money and sending it back.
African americans need to do the same.
I think Australia, New Zealand and Singapore are great for starters they are all English speaking!
Then of course African countries such as Rwanda, Kenya,and Namibia.
I think we'll fare better in countries where we don't have ancestral ties oddly enough.
Interesting. You think we would do better because it would seem like more of a fresh start?

Rhyme n Tekniq

Mar 22, 2017
Bunch of talk about "catching up" to whites. wrong outlook; this aint a race. We need to focus on our own financial independence. There's a bunch of Cacs who dont have generational wealth as well. Also, a lot of these so called "middle class" whites are pissing away what dwindling generational wealth they had and are swimming in debt to retain their lifestyles. It's tons of financially illiterate, mass-consuming crackers living above their means stunting for the Gram' too, but fukk them. We need to focus on tangible solutions and research all available resources that we can parlay to our benefit instead of crying about how we're fukked.

And we gotta start questioning and fact-checking these "studies" and statistics. Studies arent inherently objective, factual or absolute. In ALOT of cases. They are prone to manipulation and bias via the cherry picking of data to support whatever narrative they are trying to disseminate to the masses. This is rampant in the fitness and medical communities; politics and socio-economics arent immune to this shyt either. We have to stop being so readily accepting of these propaganda pieces that tell us we are inferior. Also, Cacs love to use science / statistical data to back up their racist beliefs and demoralize us, because it can be manipulated as stated before and they know more than likely when we start hearing all this fast-talking and arbitrary numbers being thrown out there that we will eat that shyt right up.

You can complain and preach about the futility of taking action and progressively lose more ground while you're at it


you can do something...anything to contribute towards us going in the right direction. It aint about doing better compared to whites. It's about doing better period. That line of thinking where we presume ALL white people are inherently better off than even the most successful of us is self deprecating and defeatist bullshyt for nikkas with no grit or desire to change a damn thing.

Far as a solution goes, in general terms, If we moved as one, we would thrive as one. IF we truly were a community that recycled the knowledge and money among each other exclusively, then no number of black wall street situations could stop us should they try it again. They could destroy brick and mortar buildings but not our mindset. We can do amazing things socio-economically if we would get off this individualism shyt that has destroyed us. If we were a community, we could make our own, buy our own, sell our own and hire our own simply by networking with each other. And there are already examples of that in existence. we just have to be like that as a whole.


May 6, 2015
This is not the solution. We don't just need businesses (whatever that actually means, vagueness is useless), we need more Black doctors, more Black lawyers, more Black engineers, more Black architects, more Black accountants, more Black hedge-fund managers and investors, more Black programmers and developers, etc. We are underrepresented in education, less education is not the solution: equitable education is a part of it.

There are too few STEM majors in graduates in the Black Community due to:
- American minimization of STEM (ie "Math is hard and science is for nerds")
- Failing Public School Systems
- Financial Barriers to College/Post HS
- Not everyone has the aptitude or discipline to stay with STEM

Professional credentialing such as MD,JD, CPA, MBA are great, but again, have a substantial price tag associated with them unless they have a hookup with a job prior to graduation. I would suggest Military service to offset educational costs and gain DoD clearance to really be in a niche market for STEM positions.

Education was a great equalizer in past generations for social mobility and stability, but as we are witnessing, that is no longer the case as education is heavily diluted. Even Ivy League grads aren't guaranteed elite positions anymore as current societal trends show. Taking out 100k-200k in loans to make 50k as a new lawyer or 60-70k as an MD is not the best answer.

At least if you have a business with equity you can pass it own to your children rather than a degree and loans that die with you.

Trades and other forms of e-commerce are more practical imho.


African American Princess
Aug 14, 2014
Interesting. You think we would do better because it would seem like more of a fresh start?
A lot of west Africans want to us to be Africans only when it's beneficial to them.
We're African and all the same when they want to claim African American in the U.S. or when they want us to contribute to the continent either financially or socially.
But then when we want to live there, start our businesses, invest in real estate or any other sector, or talk about rights or citizenship were not African we're just Black Americans or "neocolonizers". They don't really respect African American as our own ethnicity and expect us to not just assimilate but completely adopt their culture. All while saying we'll never truly be Nigerian or Ghanaian or etc. because it about bloodlines and all that jazz.They have this weird thing where they want us to be African but not really.
I feel with an East, Central, or Southern African country we'll get a clean slate.
We'll automatically be viewed as foreigners and given the cautious freedom to move as our own ethnicity. They'll view us as foreign investors.


African American Princess
Aug 14, 2014
If the The National Mutual Relief, Bounty and Pension Association in 1899, which featured ex-slaves as its members, could not achieve group restorative payments, why does the iGeneration believe so mightily in reparations coming around the corner?

It boggles the mind.

We live in a different world.
American ancestry is more valued than it has ever been in the history of this country.
African Americans have American ancestry.


Feb 2, 2016
Median wealth of black Americans 'will fall to zero by 2053', warns new report

Growing up in the projects of Baltimore in the 1980s, things like savings accounts, stocks and bonds were completely foreign to Mysia Hamilton. Asked if her parents could have passed along some money to help her buy a car, go to school or put into a house, she can’t help but chuckle.

“No, that wasn’t there. There was no wealth. My mother was working, she was providing – we weren’t on the street begging – but there was no money in terms of ‘here you go’. No money to pass down.”

Three years from now, white US households are projected to own 86 times more wealth than black households

Now 48, Hamilton is on the path to a different reality. Working as a medical office manager and earning her college degree, the mother of five manages to squelch away $50 a month by furiously clipping coupons and being “extremely frugal”.

“$50 is definitely not my goal, but it’s all I can do with the money that’s going out,” Hamilton said. And it’s working: a decade after she began working with a financial coach, she is on track to have a positive net worth by March 2018. “I’m so driven to do that. It’s important to me.”

But Hamilton is in the minority, in execution if not intention. A new report calculates that median wealth for black Americans will fall to $0 by 2053, if current trends continue. Latino-Americans, who are also experiencing a sustained downward wealth slide, will hit $0 about two decades later, according to the study by Prosperity Now and the Institute for Policy Studies.

“By 2020, median black and Latino households stand to lose nearly 18% and 12% of the wealth they held in 2013 respectively, while median white household wealth increases by 3%,” the report states. “At that point – just three years from now – white households are projected to own 86 times more wealth than black households, and 68 times more wealth than Latino households.”

With the US set to become “majority minority” by 2044, researchers say this spells major economic peril for the nation.
“If the racial wealth divide continues to accelerate, the economic conditions of black and Latino households will have an increasingly adverse impact on the economy writ large, because the majority of US households will no longer have enough wealth to stake their claim in the middle class.”

The authors cite the legacy of discriminatory housing policies, an “upside down” tax system that helps the wealthiest households get wealthier, and the economic effects of mass incarceration as among the root causes for the discrepancy.

“The middle class didn’t just happen by market forces, and the whiteness of the middle class didn’t just happen by market forces. Both were intentional,” said Dedrick Asante-Muhammad, a senior fellow at Prosperity Now and one of the report’s authors.

African-American households are making ‘middle-income money’ – but have the wealth of a white high-school dropout

Take homeownership, which has long been the primary means by which Americans of modest and middle-class income are able to build generational wealth. After the broken promise of “40 acres and a mule” to newly freed slaves, virtually nothing was done to endow black Americans with a share of the wealth generated by centuries of slave labour – the same labour that, directly or indirectly, helped to build most of the wealth enjoyed by white Americans.

So black Americans started off generations behind, only to encounter the redlining and racially restrictive housing covenants of the early-to-middle 20th century, which prevented the sale of many homes to black Americans, and isolated them together in communities that lost value as white residents fled to the suburbs.

“The majority of white Americans weren’t middle class until the 1930s or 40s,” Asante-Muhammad told the Guardian. “Then there was mass investment to create an American middle class – but it was a white American middle class.”

Programs such as the GI bill, which offered returning WWII veterans generous lending terms to buy houses, helped turn the US into a home-owning middle class society – from which black Americans were functionally excluded. In his 2005 book When Affirmative Action was White, Ira Katznelson notes that of the first 67,000 mortgages insured by the GI Bill, fewer than 100 were taken out by non-white people.

Recent economic crises have widened this wealth gap, according to the report, as communities of colour took the brunt of the economic hit. Black median wealth has never recovered from the 2001 recession, nor Latino median wealth from the 2008 financial collapse. White median wealth, on the other hand, was left unaffected in 2002, and began rebounding just two years after the speculative housing bubble began to implode.

“Unfortunately home values don’t come back in the same way in black communities when things happen,” said Althea Saunders-Ranniar, a financial coach and advisor in Baltimore, Maryland, where about 95% of her clients are black.

One of the things Asante-Muhammad and his co-authors found extremely important was focusing on inequality of wealth as opposed to income, because they felt it was a more accurate test of middle-class status.

“You find first-generation, even second-generation African-American and Latino households that have professional jobs and are making ‘middle-income money’ – but they have the wealth of a white high-school dropout,” Asante-Muhammad said. “They’re not truly part of a middle class – which would mean financial stability, money to weather challenging economic situations, or money to invest in the economic opportunities of their children.”

The solution, he said, is to “invest in a 21st-century American middle class. We need to make sure, for the first time, that we are investing in a middle class that includes communities of colour. This generally hasn’t been done before.”

Despite all the institutional and historical barriers, Hamilton remains determined to make the lift – even if those investments never come. “I’m mad because I didn’t start 20 years ago, but it’s OK. I dare not be selfish and not pass this knowledge down to my kids – ones who I know have a chance.”

She hopes to pass more than simply knowledge down, and is on track to come up with a down payment for a modest home by late 2018. “In 20-30 years, even if they still have to pay the mortgage, I can tell them: ‘It’s yours. This is yours.’”

More fear politic campaign's I 25 years the state of black America will be stronger then ever.....put money on that.....these pussies like #1 are covert c00ns....