Do yourselves a favor and don't read the women so proud of this commercial like it validates them. One guy left this comment that sums it up perfectly:
--So since mainstream media made a commercial about an interracial couple; black women feel proud to be black now? In the wise words of Malcolm X, "who taught you to hate yourself" the comments from black women are pathetic and reek of some slave mentality where you need to feel validated by "mainstream" or "massa".... Ughhh I'm gone ... Hope your black is beautiful now that jake from State Farm think so.. Haha--
the one thing I will say about this is I've heard and seen far too many Black women think a white male finding them attractive validates their beauty. I've heard girls say something to the effect of "I know I looked good today because a white boy tried to holla at me"

or some will make sure to note when a white guy tries to holla at them, as opposed to the Black men who do. its an interesting observation.
just another aspect of white supremacy we have to fight
I love my Black Queens