Media promoting that swirling bullshyt...where's the black love?


May 1, 2012
both women are have white and black parents, so what's the difference?
The difference is in how they look idiot.

once again, is the goal to fight white supremacy, or is the goal to breed into it?
No one said anything about breeding into white supremacy idiot.

are we just going to claim black people until they "pass" for white? is that the route you're taking?
Halle Berry is black whether you or I "claim" her or not. It's not about who we do and don't claim idiot.

so wait, the kids suddenly aren't black?
There's no "suddenly" idiot. I never said that those kids are black. I've told your stupid ass numerous times that race is determined by what a person looks like.

why do you bring up egyptians?
Because they're an example of whites claiming people who weren't white you fukking idiot. That should've been clear.

they white wash the entire history and pretend egyptians were blonde hair, blue eye'd europeans.
Exactly. Now that you finally get that then maybe you can stop posting that dumb shyt about how whites don't claim people with black heritage.

also, i specifically said OTHER groups.
Other groups don't accept mixed people with African heritage for the same reason that they reject and oppress blacks who aren't seen as mixed. It's the African heritage that binds us and makes us all "black" you stupid motherfukker. You don't even see how you're proving my point by acknowledging that other groups don't accept people with even partial African heritage.

you advocate procreating with other races the moment you claim their biracial offspring as your own.
This only makes sense in your feeble insecure c00n ass mind. You're damn right I'm down with anybody of African descent who takes pride in their African descent and is down to challenge black oppression/white supremacy. fukk c00ns like you regardless of your complexion or genetic makeup.

i dont care about biracials that may have been lumped in with blacks 100+ years ago.
Of course you don't because it refutes your whole stupid ass argument. The fact is tho, things haven't changed in the last 100 years. The same people that would have been classified as black in 1915 would be classified as black today in 2015.

why are you pretending a kid with a white mother/father in 2015 bares the legacy of slavery, segregation, jim crow as well?
Because they do idiot. If you've got a black parent then you're born with the legacy of all that. fukk is wrong with you?

there is NO history of oppression for any biracial child being created today.
Biracial isn't a race. Biracial and black have never been mutually exclusive. Any child born from a black parent is a product of an oppressed people. You telling blatant lies doesn't change reality.

You're genuinely one of the dumbest motherfukkers that I've ever encountered.


May 2, 2012
The difference is in how they look idiot.

is that why idiots like you accepted rachel as black? because she "looked" the part?

No one said anything about breeding into white supremacy idiot.

if your method is claiming black folks until they can pass for white, what do you think you're doing?

Halle Berry is black whether you or I "claim" her or not. It's not about who we do and don't claim idiot.

halle berry is half-white and she married two white men, what exactly is black abotu her? and why doesn't paula patton fit into your paradigm? is she or is she not black?

There's no "suddenly" idiot. I never said that those kids are black. I've told your stupid ass numerous times that race is determined by what a person looks like.

then what race are their children? hmm? answer that one and stop tap dancing.

Because they're an example of whites claiming people who weren't white you fukking idiot. That should've been clear.

whites are claiming history and white washing the population. they are NOT claiming dark skinned egyptians as white; there is a distinct difference. white people do NOT claim biracials, irony being you would argue that point any other time you're justifying why they should be included into our tribe.

Exactly. Now that you finally get that then maybe you can stop posting that dumb shyt about how whites don't claim people with black heritage.

i never said whites wont claim another groups heritage, i said whites wont claim half-breeds; which they dont. if i were wrong, halle berry, obama, marley, etc would have identified as white. we all know they keep their shyt exclusive, like every other group.

Other groups don't accept mixed people with African heritage for the same reason that they reject and oppress blacks who aren't seen as mixed. It's the African heritage that binds us and makes us all "black" you stupid motherfukker. You don't even see how you're proving my point by acknowledging that other groups don't accept people with even partial African heritage.

you didn't answer the question. so let's try this another way. why aren't we as black americans rejecting groups that share 50% heritage of europeans, asians, etc? you keep basing our acceptance of their runoff on their rejection of said runoff.

truth of the matter is, other groups understand how inherently destructive it is to accept biracials, along with the practice that creates biracials. you cant build any type of cohesive wealth, unity or agendas when you allow members of your tribe to date out and bring their children back into the fold.

this is some common sense shyt that every one seems to understand by you dudes. "b-b-but egyptians," shut the fukk up. you sound stupid.


if this egyptian walked into white circles tomorrow, talking about "hey, i'm egyptian." i highly doubt cacs would welcome him with open arms. so why are we accepting anyone with a hint of blackness with open arms?

This only makes sense in your feeble insecure c00n ass mind. You're damn right I'm down with anybody of African descent who takes pride in their African descent and is down to challenge black oppression/white supremacy. fukk c00ns like you regardless of your complexion or genetic makeup.

stop crying, fakkit. you aren't right, your one drop ruling mentality harms the black community more than it helps. this debate is not about who is down to fight against white supremacy. this is about black folks who believe they can pro-create with non-blacks, and still produce black children. We need all the allies and help we can get, but at the expense of diluting our tribe and allowing ourselves to be misrepresented.

Of course you don't because it refutes your whole stupid ass argument. The fact is tho, things haven't changed in the last 100 years. The same people that would have been classified as black in 1915 would be classified as black today in 2015.

Because they do idiot. If you've got a black parent then you're born with the legacy of all that. fukk is wrong with you?

i'm ditching the argument because the one drop rule isn't being forced down our throats anymore. in 2015, black folks cling to it tighter than cacs. your biracial child does not share the same legacy of slavery and oppression.

put it like this, if reparations were being doled out to descendants of US slavery. do you believe half-cacs, with their white mother and father, should be able to lay claim to those benefits, even though they're half of the oppressor class?

Biracial isn't a race. Biracial and black have never been mutually exclusive. Any child born from a black parent is a product of an oppressed people. You telling blatant lies doesn't change reality.

by your own admission, black and white aren't races either. what's your point? we understand race is a social construct, but tribalism is real. you're clinging hopelessly to a standard that hurts the black community more than it helps.

how is someone that has access to half of the oppressor classes resources, on the same boat as a black kid with two black parents? "b-be-because slavery"?


May 1, 2012
is that why idiots like you accepted rachel as black? because she "looked" the part?
Rachel who fakkit?

if your method is claiming black folks until they can pass for white, what do you think you're doing?
I'll even unite with blacks who can pass for white as long as their proud of their African heritage and down to challenge black oppression/white supremacy. That's my "method" idiot.

halle berry is half-white and she married two white men, what exactly is black abotu her? and why doesn't paula patton fit into your paradigm? is she or is she not black?
Halle isn't half white. She's black. If she could choose to be white she would've done so. Race is a social construct not a math equation. Who Halle has married has nothing to do with her racial classification.

I've already said that Paula Patton is a black woman who could possibly pass if he she downplays her "black" features. Learn how to read.

then what race are their children? hmm? answer that one and stop tap dancing.
Patton's child is white. Halle's child is mixed black.

whites are claiming history and white washing the population. they are NOT claiming dark skinned egyptians as white;
All of the Egyptians were originally dark skinned blacks you stupid motherfukker. Jesus was dark skinned.

there is a distinct difference. white people do NOT claim biracials, irony being you would argue that point any other time you're justifying why they should be included into our tribe.
Whites have claimed biracials , multiracials, and all other kinds of mixed people throughout history idiot. You just don't understand racial politics. You just don't seem smart enough to get it. Whites are the dominant race right now because of how they've hijacked historical non white people and their accomplishments and claimed them as their own. There's no benefit for whites to claim biracial people as white right now because biracials are below them on the totem pole. Lily white people are at the top of the totem pole and the objective of systematic White supremacy is to keep the whitest of the white in a supreme position over everyone else. Trust tho, if our situations were reversed whites wouldn't hesitate to claim anybody with "white" European ancestry as their own because it would be to their benefit. It has absolutely nothing to do with keeping the white race "pure" or whatever other dumb shyt that idiots like you believe. To illustrate my point listen to this cracker talk unashamedly about basically claiming a biracial basketball player simply because they(whites) don't have too many role models in the NBA

That's how whites think. They will claim anybody biracial or whatever if it's to their benefit.

i never said whites wont claim another groups heritage, i said whites wont claim half-breeds; which they dont. if i were wrong, halle berry, obama, marley, etc would have identified as white. we all know they keep their shyt exclusive, like every other group.
I just posted a video of a white claiming a "half breed" and explaining why he was doing so. Whites don't keep their shyt exclusive. This is proven by the fact that they've allowed groups like the Italians, Irish, Northern Africans and so called European Jew to join the white race when they were initially classified as non-white. You're just a dumb motherfukker who refuses to listen which is you keep repeating the same silly shyt over and over. The reason that whites don't accept mixed folk like Halle, Obama, ect is because they are at the top of the totem pole. Whites have convinced the world that they are superior to people of African descent......blacks. The white race is basically defined as not black. They can't claim folk like Halle and Obama as white while believing that whites are superior over blacks because those people are obviously of African descent. It would be a contradiction.

you didn't answer the question. so let's try this another way. why aren't we as black americans rejecting groups that share 50% heritage of europeans, asians, etc? you keep basing our acceptance of their runoff on their rejection of said runoff.
We don't reject those people because they've always been part of us. We AAs come from a mixed racial heritage to a certain extent. Those mixed/biracial people birthed us. That's a big reason why there's such a variety in our complexions. Your bytchmade disloyal c00n ass wants to kick them out of the family. African heritage and the oppression that we are subjected to because of it is the tie that binds us and makes us all "black". That's what "black" means.

truth of the matter is, other groups understand how inherently destructive it is to accept biracials, along with the practice that creates biracials. you cant build any type of cohesive wealth, unity or agendas when you allow members of your tribe to date out and bring their children back into the fold.
You're embarrassingly stupid. Whites have conquered the entire continent breeding with every single indigenous people that they've come across. :heh: at whites nots accepting biracials when there's undeniable proof to the contrary. Just look at the Australian Aborigines and how whites have basically bred them out for an example. You can't even find a dark skinned aborigine in Australia with no white admixture nowadays. Whites have basically bred the aborigines of Australia out by accepting the biracials into their community while encouraging them to get with other whites. That's how you breed a people out, you accept them into your community you don't reject them. You've got it ass backwards. You should be glad that whites don't accept biracials here because we'd become something like Brazil if they did. Especially with all the c00n self hating blacks like you that we've got. You think that IR dating is a trend now? Imagine if real white acceptance was achievable. That little 12% of the population would be cut in half in no time.

this is some common sense shyt that every one seems to understand by you dudes. "b-b-but egyptians," shut the fukk up. you sound stupid.
My word, you're in the running for being the dumbest motherfukker that I've ever encountered.


May 1, 2012

if this egyptian walked into white circles tomorrow, talking about "hey, i'm egyptian." i highly doubt cacs would welcome him with open arms. so why are we accepting anyone with a hint of blackness with open arms?
Get it right. I don't accept anyone just because they're black. I wouldn't accept you under any circumstances. You'd be one of the people who got it first if it was up to me. I hate a c00n worst than a cracker. I only accept and ride for blacks who are proud of being black and down to challenge white supremacy. You're a saboteur. A person's mind/heart are more important to me than they're specific genetic makeup. c00ns like you regardless of their skin tone, eat a dikk. I take the time to expose you just for others to see.

stop crying, fakkit. you aren't right, your one drop ruling mentality harms the black community more than it helps.
Except I haven't said anything about a one drop rule. That's your stupid ass straw man argument. You aren't smart enough to deal with my actual argument so you must make shyt up to respond to.

this debate is not about who is down to fight against white supremacy. this is about black folks who believe they can pro-create with non-blacks, and still produce black children.
No, the debate is about the criteria for what it means to be a black person. You're arguing against reality that mixed people of African descent aren't black.

We need all the allies and help we can get, but at the expense of diluting our tribe and allowing ourselves to be misrepresented.
We're a diluted tribe from the start. Mixed/biracials have always been apart of the tribe despite you not caring about that. You're mixed diluted your damn self.

i'm ditching the argument because the one drop rule isn't being forced down our throats anymore. in 2015, black folks cling to it tighter than cacs.
You should ditch your whole dumb ass mentality bruh. You should also start listening to someone smarter who's trying to school you.

Black people don't have the power to dictate who does and doesn't qualify as "black". "Black" is a term that was placed on us by whites. We didn't create the term to define ourselves. We don't define that term. If you're unhappy with the term black and how it's defined then make up your own term, get off of your ass, and get out and try and convince blacks to reject the term black in favor of your term that you've defined. Sitting you delusional ass on the internet pretending as if things are the way you wished they would be instead of how they actually are is pathetic tho.

put it like this, if reparations were being doled out to descendants of US slavery. do you believe half-cacs, with their white mother and father, should be able to lay claim to those benefits, even though they're half of the oppressor class?
Do you deny that mixed blacks are descendants of slaves? If you're a descendant of slaves then why wouldn't you be eligible for reparations due to slavery? Get off the divisive shyt you ashy mouthed c00n.

by your own admission, black and white aren't races either. what's your point?
I never said that. Do you have any shame?

we understand race is a social construct, but tribalism is real. you're clinging hopelessly to a standard that hurts the black community more than it helps.
Classifying people visibly of African descent as black doesn't hurt the community one bit. If People of African descent dividing themselves while refusing to unite against their true oppressors is what hurts the community. Blacks like you hurt the community. If we United around challenging white supremacy we'd be powerful as fukk. Whites understand and are scared shytless of that which is why they perpetuate division.

how is someone that has access to half of the oppressor classes resources, on the same boat as a black kid with two black parents? "b-be-because slavery"?
You sound like a field ****** coming up with excuses for why he won't unite with the house ******s in a slave revolt. People the complexion of Stephan Curry are privileged over people the complexion of Draymond Green in the world that we live in, should they not see each other as the same race because of that?


May 2, 2012
Rachel who fakkit?


yall one drop rulers forgot ya favorite black girl already? :gladbron:

I'll even unite with blacks who can pass for white as long as their proud of their African heritage and down to challenge black oppression/white supremacy. That's my "method" idiot.

why would someone that's basically white fight against white supremacy in 2015? this is the problem with you dudes. you think you can keep procreating with cacs and still maintain a certain level of pro-blackness. if you have white parents, white grandparents, and you're living in a white community; what is the immediate urgency to tear down a system that you benefit directly from? that one grandpa that you never speak of? :mjlol:

Halle isn't half white. She's black. If she could choose to be white she would've done so. Race is a social construct not a math equation. Who Halle has married has nothing to do with her racial classification.

we're not talking about racial classifications. i'm not talking about how the government chooses to label people. this is strictly about blacks in the US, and how we choose to structure our group.

ignoring halle's white parent, if she's black, then why isn't her daughter black as well?

I've already said that Paula Patton is a black woman who could possibly pass if he she downplays her "black" features. Learn how to read.

once again, so why is paula pattons son not black? what race is he? both paula and halle consider their children black. you just said you'll claim anyone that passes, so which is it?

Patton's child is white. Halle's child is mixed black.
where do you draw the distinction? both women are biracials that had kids by white men. :heh:

All of the Egyptians were originally dark skinned blacks you stupid motherfukker. Jesus was dark skinned.

stop going off point, nikka. i never said egyptians weren't dark. i said white people are NOT claiming they were dark skinned egyptians. white people white wash the history entirely and present the locals as europeans, same with jesus. so what are you arguing? white people would not claim a dark skinned egyptian just because he's classified as white by the government.

Whites have claimed biracials , multiracials, and all other kinds of mixed people throughout history idiot. You just don't understand racial politics. You just don't seem smart enough to get it. Whites are the dominant race right now because of how they've hijacked historical non white people and their accomplishments and claimed them as their own. There's no benefit for whites to claim biracial people as white right now because biracials are below them on the totem pole. Lily white people are at the top of the totem pole and the objective of systematic White supremacy is to keep the whitest of the white in a supreme position over everyone else. Trust tho, if our situations were reversed whites wouldn't hesitate to claim anybody with "white" European ancestry as their own because it would be to their benefit. It has absolutely nothing to do with keeping the white race "pure" or whatever other dumb shyt that idiots like you believe.
stop conflating the argument. i know whites will steal the accomplishments of non-whites as their own, no one is saying otherwise. however, they white wash everything entirely. whites do not allow themselves to be represented by biracials, as you already stated; "they keep the whitest of white in supreme positions over everyone else"

now, understanding the construct, why do you foster a belief that leads to the lowest on the totem pole (blacks) seeking lighter partners, in a desperate attempt to reap benefits of white privilege?

To illustrate my point listen to this cracker talk unashamedly about basically claiming a biracial basketball player simply because they(whites) don't have too many role models in the NBA

That's how whites think. They will claim anybody biracial or whatever if it's to their benefit.

i bet that made you furious didn't it :heh: cacs staking their claim in the biracials they create :umad: you're going to see more of that in the future, so get use to it.

so wait, what race is blake? he's black to you right?

but his son is white? even though he's got that black blood :leon:

I just posted a video of a white claiming a "half breed" and explaining why he was doing so. Whites don't keep their shyt exclusive. This is proven by the fact that they've allowed groups like the Italians, Irish, Northern Africans and so called European Jew to join the white race when they were initially classified as non-white. You're just a dumb motherfukker who refuses to listen which is you keep repeating the same silly shyt over and over. The reason that whites don't accept mixed folk like Halle, Obama, ect is because they are at the top of the totem pole. Whites have convinced the world that they are superior to people of African descent......blacks. The white race is basically defined as not black. They can't claim folk like Halle and Obama as white while believing that whites are superior over blacks because those people are obviously of African descent. It would be a contradiction.

since you're pretending that's not an outlier, post 2 more examples of whites claiming biracials; i'll wait.

and make up your mind. whites accept blake as white ( :duck: ) because he's a great basketball player, but they reject halle because she's @ the top of the totem pole? ( :duck: ) your whole argument is that biracials get treated just like blacks, now you're flip flopping over whether they're claimed or not.

We don't reject those people because they've always been part of us. We AAs come from a mixed racial heritage to a certain extent. Those mixed/biracial people birthed us. That's a big reason why there's such a variety in our complexions. Your bytchmade disloyal c00n ass wants to kick them out of the family. African heritage and the oppression that we are subjected to because of it is the tie that binds us and makes us all "black". That's what "black" means.

this is not the 20s, 30s, 40s, or 50s. these half whites were never apart of the grand struggle, and neither were their white parents.

You're embarrassingly stupid. Whites have conquered the entire continent breeding with every single indigenous people that they've come across. :heh: at whites nots accepting biracials when there's undeniable proof to the contrary. Just look at the Australian Aborigines and how whites have basically bred them out for an example. You can't even find a dark skinned aborigine in Australia with no white admixture nowadays. Whites have basically bred the aborigines of Australia out by accepting the biracials into their community while encouraging them to get with other whites. That's how you breed a people out, you accept them into your community you don't reject them. You've got it ass backwards. You should be glad that whites don't accept biracials here because we'd become something like Brazil if they did. Especially with all the c00n self hating blacks like you that we've got. You think that IR dating is a trend now? Imagine if real white acceptance was achievable. That little 12% of the population would be cut in half in no time.

yeah, white men have raped and pillaged the earth. i don't know how you equate that to acceptance :what:

but yes, you made a great point about the aborigines being bred out.

understanding that, i want to know how in the hell you can support a belief that leads us down this road. also, if "real white acceptance" were achievable, blacks would have bred ourselves out a long time ago. the only thing holding black folks back from racial genocide is ironically white racism. so, without centralizing black power around the black womb, how are you fighting white supremacy?


May 2, 2012
and i aint even reading that other titangraph, condense your points for fukks sake.


May 15, 2014
Will y'all move this shyt to the locker room. The Root should be about black folks building not this low hanging fruit that turns into some divide and conquer mess.


May 29, 2014

yall one drop rulers forgot ya favorite black girl already? :gladbron:

why would someone that's basically white fight against white supremacy in 2015? this is the problem with you dudes. you think you can keep procreating with cacs and still maintain a certain level of pro-blackness. if you have white parents, white grandparents, and you're living in a white community; what is the immediate urgency to tear down a system that you benefit directly from? that one grandpa that you never speak of? :mjlol:

we're not talking about racial classifications. i'm not talking about how the government chooses to label people. this is strictly about blacks in the US, and how we choose to structure our group.

ignoring halle's white parent, if she's black, then why isn't her daughter black as well?

once again, so why is paula pattons son not black? what race is he? both paula and halle consider their children black. you just said you'll claim anyone that passes, so which is it?

where do you draw the distinction? both women are biracials that had kids by white men. :heh:

stop going off point, nikka. i never said egyptians weren't dark. i said white people are NOT claiming they were dark skinned egyptians. white people white wash the history entirely and present the locals as europeans, same with jesus. so what are you arguing? white people would not claim a dark skinned egyptian just because he's classified as white by the government.

stop conflating the argument. i know whites will steal the accomplishments of non-whites as their own, no one is saying otherwise. however, they white wash everything entirely. whites do not allow themselves to be represented by biracials, as you already stated; "they keep the whitest of white in supreme positions over everyone else"

now, understanding the construct, why do you foster a belief that leads to the lowest on the totem pole (blacks) seeking lighter partners, in a desperate attempt to reap benefits of white privilege?

i bet that made you furious didn't it :heh: cacs staking their claim in the biracials they create :umad: you're going to see more of that in the future, so get use to it.

so wait, what race is blake? he's black to you right?

but his son is white? even though he's got that black blood :leon:

since you're pretending that's not an outlier, post 2 more examples of whites claiming biracials; i'll wait.

and make up your mind. whites accept blake as white ( :duck: ) because he's a great basketball player, but they reject halle because she's @ the top of the totem pole? ( :duck: ) your whole argument is that biracials get treated just like blacks, now you're flip flopping over whether they're claimed or not.

this is not the 20s, 30s, 40s, or 50s. these half whites were never apart of the grand struggle, and neither were their white parents.

yeah, white men have raped and pillaged the earth. i don't know how you equate that to acceptance :what:

but yes, you made a great point about the aborigines being bred out.

understanding that, i want to know how in the hell you can support a belief that leads us down this road. also, if "real white acceptance" were achievable, blacks would have bred ourselves out a long time ago. the only thing holding black folks back from racial genocide is ironically white racism. so, without centralizing black power around the black womb, how are you fighting white supremacy?

Preach :blessed:

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
Do yourselves a favor and don't read the women so proud of this commercial like it validates them. One guy left this comment that sums it up perfectly:

--So since mainstream media made a commercial about an interracial couple; black women feel proud to be black now? In the wise words of Malcolm X, "who taught you to hate yourself" the comments from black women are pathetic and reek of some slave mentality where you need to feel validated by "mainstream" or "massa".... Ughhh I'm gone ... Hope your black is beautiful now that jake from State Farm think so.. Haha--

Product of low self esteem. That is the same group that wears weaves, because they have been taught that their African hair is not good hair. And that White people hair is good hair.

Interesting that Black women blame Black men for why they (Black women) have low self esteem; but then Black women turn around seek the approval of White people.


May 1, 2012

yall one drop rulers forgot ya favorite black girl already? :gladbron:
:heh:You talk about me condensing points while you insist upon overloading the discussion with bullshyt like this. You can't ditch that argument because that's the only thing your stupid ass has to cling to. You must accuse me of living by a one drop rule even tho my position has absolutely nothing to do with a one drop rule. I've even refuted the one drop rule. You must misrepresent my position as someone who wants to procreate with whites even though I've said I'm against blacks going IR. You must accuse me of having a white wife even tho it's a nonsensical accusation that you just pulled from your ass. You have to build this straw man because you aren't smart enough to deal with what I'm actually saying. From now on, I'm just going to ignore the bullshyt part of your argument. I wonder if there will be anything left to respond to.

we're not talking about racial classifications. i'm not talking about how the government chooses to label people. this is strictly about blacks in the US, and how we choose to structure our group.
Racial classifications are how people are labeled idiot. You don't choose your race. Our race has already been structured. "Black" is a term that was placed upon us and it simply means people who are visibly of African descent. You're trying to sabotage our race by perpetuating division based on ignorance insecurity and stupidity.

ignoring halle's white parent, if she's black, then why isn't her daughter black as well?

once again, so why is paula pattons son not black? what race is he? both paula and halle consider their children black. you just said you'll claim anyone that passes, so which is it?
I haven't ignored anything. We all know that Halle has a white mother. She's till black. I also said that her daughter is black too. Patton's son isn't black because he had pale and blonde hair. Isn't it obvious? You don't choose your race so what Halle and Paula consider their children to be is irrelevant. You seriously have a hard time comprehending simple shyt.

where do you draw the distinction? both women are biracials that had kids by white men. :heh:
The distinction is drawn by the phenotypical traits you idiot. Patton's son is pale skinned with straight blonde hair. Halle's daughter is brown skinned with curly hair. I've said that race is a social construct based on how people look at least 20 times to you and your stupid ass STILL doesn't get it. How sad is that?

stop conflating the argument. i know whites will steal the accomplishments of non-whites as their own, no one is saying otherwise. however, they white wash everything entirely. whites do not allow themselves to be represented by biracials, as you already stated; "they keep the whitest of white in supreme positions over everyone else"
You're not smart enough to actually understand the points and arguments that I'm making. They fly right over your head. You claimed that whites never claim biracials and all that. I've shown you that not only will whites claim biracials and people of mixed racial heritage(claiming people as white that they didn't use to claim), they take it a million steps further and claim peoples, places, and things that weren't white whatsoever just to further their own agenda. You're sitting your ashy mouthed c00n ass up here trying to shame me for recognizing the blackness in people who are actually of African descent. You're saying dumb shyt like "bu bu whites don't claim people like that". Yes they do idiot. The reason that they aren't currently claiming certain biracials is because they don't need the numbers yet. Whites still make up around 70% of the population here but those numbers are changing. When their numbers get too low they'll do just like they did with the Italians, Irish, ect and start claiming people now considered non white as white to bolster their numbers. I'm trying to school you on the game but it's like trying to teach my 8 year old calculus. You're just not ready yet.

i bet that made you furious didn't it :heh: cacs staking their claim in the biracials they create :umad: you're going to see more of that in the future, so get use to it.
Except you're the idiot who denies that whites claim biracials. I've been trying to tell your stupid ass that this isn't new. They claim people when it's to their benefit. Why would an example that proves my argument and disproves you anger me?

so wait, what race is blake? he's black to you right?

but his son is white? even though he's got that black blood :leon:
My position has nothing to do with "black blood" you stupid morherfukker. As many times as I've repeated my position. You STILL don't get it. Your're hilariously stupid.

since you're pretending that's not an outlier, post 2 more examples of whites claiming biracials; i'll wait.
Lol at your stupid ass still asking for examples. Seriously bruh, you are one dumb motherfukker.

and make up your mind. whites accept blake as white ( :duck: ) because he's a great basketball player, but they reject halle because she's @ the top of the totem pole? ( :duck: )
No idiot, whites don't claim mixed people who are obviously of African descent like Halle Berry because THEY(whites) are at the top of the totem pole. White supremacy is the belief that people with white skin are superior to those with darker skin. Accepting people who look like Halle,Obama, ect as white would contradict that bullshyt ideology. The reason that you saw Skip claiming Blake Griffin is because he can pass(looks white) to a certain degree and he's the closest thing to a white dominant player in the NBA. Some whites did the same thing with Jason Kidd when he was at the top of his game. The point is that whites have no qualms about claiming biracials or even people who have no white ancestry at all if it furthers their own agenda. So stop saying that dumb shyt about how they don't do it.

your whole argument is that biracials get treated just like blacks, now you're flip flopping over whether they're claimed or not.
No my argument is that black and biracial have never been mutually exclusive and that the term "black" has always included people of visible African descent with mixed racial heritage. Again, you don't have the brain capacity to even comprehend me.

this is not the 20s, 30s, 40s, or 50s. these half whites were never apart of the grand struggle, and neither were their white parents.
Nothing has changed since the 20s as far as race and racial politics. Whites have tweaked their strategies to maintain white supremacy but the concept of race is the same. You're so disloyal and ignorantly stupid. I could name a long list of mixed blacks who've done more for the "struggle" than your c00n ass will ever do. You haven't done a gotdamn thing for the struggle. You're just some lame internet geek. You're not even raising a black family. You're not a man you're a boy. Stay in a boy's place and listen.

yeah, white men have raped and pillaged the earth. i don't know how you equate that to acceptance :what:

but yes, you made a great point about the aborigines being bred out.

understanding that, i want to know how in the hell you can support a belief that leads us down this road. also, if "real white acceptance" were achievable, blacks would have bred ourselves out a long time ago. the only thing holding black folks back from racial genocide is ironically white racism. so, without centralizing black power around the black womb, how are you fighting white supremacy?
Your dumb ass didn't even get the point about the aborigines. The reason that I brought up the aborigines is to refute your idiotic claim that whites don't claim biracials. Let me repeat, whites bred out the aborigines by accepting the biracial/mixed offspring into their own communities. Contrary to what whites do here, Whites in Australia accepted the biracial offspring into their white communities which led to them(biracials) procreating with other white people. It wouldn't have been possible to breed out the aborigines had whites rejected the biracial offspring because those biracials would've just went back and procreated with other aborigines keep on themselves black. Something similar has happened in Brazil where mixed people have basically formed their own race separate from blacks which has done nothing but added to the oppression of blacks no recognized as mixed. It's not I that wants to lead us here in amerikka down that path, it's you. You want blacks to reject mixed folk and kick them out of our "tribe" even tho they've always been part of it. That would be nothing but detrimental to our community. It would noir out numbers, perpetuate division and confusion, while making us weaker as whites stronger. There's absolutely no benefit to the dumb shyt that you're talking. Your whole little silly position seems to be based on whites using mixed lighter skinned blacks as representation of blacks on their media. You don't get that blacks will be misrepresented as long as we are dependent on others to choose our representation. Kicking biracials/mixed folk(your stupid ass can't even consistently define mixed/biracial in opposition to black. "Obama's biracial but his daughters aren't") out of the race doesn't benefit us in any way whatsoever.

The fact that you've got that insecure self hating dumb broad cosigning should tell you something. It's only right tho, you're the male version of her:mjlol:


I love not to know so I can know more...
Oct 3, 2013
There's a Disney show that has a formerly single black mother getting married to a wealthy scientist cac.


Sep 2, 2014
Product of low self esteem. That is the same group that wears weaves, because they have been taught that their African hair is not good hair. And that White people hair is good hair.

Interesting that Black women blame Black men for why they (Black women) have low self esteem; but then Black women turn around seek the approval of White people.

white people hair is good hair? :heh:What black girl is wearing clamy white women hair. Do you even know anything about us? I've never seen anyone buyinh Irish string nor Neatherthal sweaty. Malaysian and Brizilian hair is what is popular. And weave was a hair trend for the love of God. A dying one at that. Not based on self hatred. Look at black womens' hair trends throughout the years. We've had a lot of creative ones. I love how y'all always ignore that natural hair is the trend now. And no black woman wants to look white (thin lips, raw chicken looking complexion, wack body, clamy hair, and just ordinary as fukk. Why would we want that???) nor seek approval from their asses. Black women usually seek approval from black males. Black women don't blame black men for they way the world views us. Thats white media brainwashing. Just stop shytting on us and ride with us like we support y'all.
Apr 7, 2014
I've been seeing more IR commercials as well. Some have black dudes in IR and others have black women. If there is a black family, the kids look biracial most of the time.