Doesn't matter where u went
U have a history of posting large paragraphs about how evolution never happened and the world being flat breh
Ur a black person who doesn't trust science. (And one of Many unfortunately)
There's nothing untrue about my original post
Ur professors hold that L
It's not my fault you can't tell the difference between science and pseudocience
That's your own mental handicap that you need to work through
For the 1000th time, science isn't to be "trusted"
Science is to be TESTED, OVER AND OVER AND OVER to constantly affirm and reaffirm the facts of this reality PERIOD
Saying you "trust" science is no different than admitting that you have a religious faith in it
If you believe evolution is science, you believe that the african is inherently genetically inferior to the european, meaning you also believe in eugenics, meaning you're either a european yourself, or a very very very stupid black person
But either way I'm sure you just believe everything white daddy tells you and never actually research and fact check any of it
It's funny how you apparently read/study all my posts yet are too p*ssy to challenge them in the threads that they're posted