"It’s funny that Drake has doubled down on his anti-Internet thing, because Drake is the master of working your angles, the selfie strategy of the twitter honeys he takes arbitrary pot-shots at throughout If You’re Reading This Its Too Late. (And I absolutely think it is significant that, on this album, living this aspirational simulacrum Tumblr life, or whatever, is generally characterized as feminine.) Drake is no longer the living meme, the LOOK AT HIS SWEATER guy, that he was even two years ago. But he represents what the internet represents: the possibility to make yourself into whoever you want to be, if you stack your cards right.
Drake is every NYC media bro who had an okay, if unremarkable, high school experience, didn’t lose his virginity til he was 18, considers himself a nerdy underdog, moves to the big city, and undertakes a years-long personal brand makeover, in which he projects signifiers of cool for long enough and with enough study that one day, almost imperceptively, he becomes cool—and once he realizes it, he is intoxicated with power.
And shyt—I can relate to that! But that does not make it any more interesting or worthy of further exploration than those Been Trill shirts with all the logos on them circa 2013, which is to say, a bunch of symbols stripped of the thing they symbolize. A bunch of women’s names that you have woven into your story for the purpose of having a story to tell.
Drake used to pine for the 21st century Thot Pangaea that is “Houstatlantavegas.” Now he is Mr. Toronto and is making “The 6” a thing and has, I guess, been that guy all along, he and his woes, since way before hashtags. Two years ago, we would have ripped him to shreds for this kind of thing, like we did when he said that he started from the bottom. Nobody cares anymore. Whatever man, just keep making great-sounding music (and If You’re Reading This is great-sounding, as a total package, there is very little denying this) and you can be whoever you say you are, “6 God.”
But Drake, as a character, has become (or has revealed himself to have always been) one of the most boring types of people on earth: a composite of aspirational projections that has taken control of his host body
. Don’t get me wrong, this will in no way prevent me from stomping through Bed Stuy with “10 Bands” on repeat with the thizz face on 1000. But let’s stop conflating “good” and “special.” And let’s stop entertaining dude’s bizarre Neo-Luddisms that he has convinced himself are deeper than “bytches be like [this]“ memes. “And show me pictures of they frieeeends / Just to tell me they ain’t really frieeeends”: kinda sounds like the Cliff’s Notes version of a Drake song, now that I think about it."