McMahon Profit Improvement Plan for when WCW was whipping they ass


TSC Fantasy Football Champion 2016
Sep 14, 2013
Los Angeles C.A.
A former WWE photographer has uploaded a memo from Linda McMahon from the mid 1990s describing the company’s “profit improvement plan” during those lean years. WWE was under siege from WCW at the time and suffering from public perception due to Vince McMahon’s 1994 steroid trial. As you can see below, images of a memo uploaded by Tom Buchanan details the memo from Linda laying out a plan to cut down on costs in order to increase the company’s profit.

Among the implementations are requiring employees to pay for long distance calls, discontinuing the availability of bottled water and cafeteria service, the elimination of security at Titan Tower and their TV facility, elimination of freelancers and a move entirely to email for memos as opposed to paper memos.

The full memo reads:

To mailing list: #EVERYONE
Over the last few weeks we have had many meetings and discussions about our profit improvement plan, and we have received many good suggestions which we will continue to evaluate.
However, the following suggestions we are going to implement immediately:
1. Telephone
Effective today everyone will be responsible for all personal telephone calls. At the end of each month you will receive a call listing for all long distance calls made from your extension. Please review it, and send your check made payable to Titan Sports to accounting.
2. Crystal Rock Water
We will discontinue the purchase of bottled water at Titan Tower and at the Distribution Center when the water supply we have in house is depleted. Over the next few weeks we will install drinking fountains at TV and phase bottled water at that facility also.
3. Cafeteria
We have attempted to change the service and at least break even, but we have been unsuccessful. As of Monday, we will discontinue our, cafeteria service. The lunch room will be open and soon we will provide more vending machines for your use.
4. Security
We will eliminate the security at Titan Tower and the TV facility effective at the end of today. A receptionist will be at the B level lobby and at TV’s lobby to greet our guests.
5. Federal Express
We have seen a dramatic reduction in Federal Express, but there is still room to improve. All requests must absolutely be necessary.
6. Spending Authority
Beginning today, I am instituting a radical new procedure for expenditure approvals. A table of authority which indicates who is authorized to spend the company’s funds will be circulated to everyone.
In the past, Department heads were permitted to sign contracts, purchase inventory, and commit expenditure dollars without senior management approval. All such items and all monies to be spent, regardless of the amount (except as indicated on the attached), must be approved by Doug Sages or myself. Check requests and/or a purchase order must be completed. This process will retined as we proceed, but I am convinced that we will be better able to harness our spending with this procedure.
7. Kodak Copy Machines
We have evaluated our usage and found that a number of machines are significantly under utilized. As such, we will be eliminating some of machines in the near future. That will mean that the machine locations will be less convenient for some of us.
8. Insurance Benefits
One idea that continually surfaced in our meetings to save costs
would be to have employees contribute to the cost of our medical insurance. Effective December 1, we shall change our policy to reflect those costs. During the following weeks, we shall provide you with various coverage options.
9. Temporary Personnel
We shall eliminate temporary personnel, but under extreme situations will be evaluated by Lisa Wolf. Full time personnel will need to be allocated on priority basis.
10. Free Lancers
Except for remote television shoots, the use of freelancers will eliminated. Again, personnel will be cross trained so that deparcments can work to assist one anocher when necessary.
11. Overtime
The Company will no longer pay O.T. for anyone who works through their lunch hour. All O.T. costs will be re-evaluated.
12. E-Mail
Our goal is to discontinue paper memos and to use E-Mail. The E-Mail system is very convenient and efficient. This is only a start. Please continue with your ideas. Work efficiently, plan and don’t be wasteful. I expect that there will be some glitches, but only temporarily.
Thank you.


May 8, 2012
he was ready to drop 700k on Warrior :gag:
I laugh everytime someone says "Vince is a genius"
he been out of touch since the 80s


I think with most people who are creators, even the best ones, they have just as many bad ideas as they have good ones. Look at Survivor Series '90- he debuted The Undertaker, one of the greatest gimmicks ever... and the Gobbeldy Gooker, one of the biggest flops ever, on the same night. Even far as the company itself, there's been bad moves and great ones... it just so happens the bad moves didn't lose as much money as the great moves made. It still remains that ultimately, he's done more game changing things than anyone in the wrestling business. It's been proven by some of the other people who ran these companies that it's pretty tough to run a business like that for 40 years, when a lot of them had enough trouble lasting for 5. :yeshrug:


Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas
I knew the WWF was doing bad in the mid 90s but not that bad!