Mayweather vs Khan

King P

Legends Never Die
Nov 12, 2012
Views From The X
He has the speed and power. He's just not a smart fighter. And that chin is :heh:
It's not just the chin that's his problem.

One of the biggest problems with Khan, is that he's extremely predictable. That is why his speed serves him well in the beginning of a fight, and then by the middle of the fight he starts getting tagged with flush shots. He's basically your quintessential front runner.

Also, you say Khan has power. That's not really the case. He doesn't have much power, and that's his problem. Aside from the flush body shot he dropped Maidana with (and then never hurt him the rest of the fight), I've never seen Khan really hurt a fighter. That's one of Khan's problems. He's got great handspeed but unless you have a china chin, you can't practically eat his shots clean all night to get off your shots.

If Floyd and Khan fought, this is basically how it would play out; Mayweather will start the fight slow and get a feel for Khan's speed. Once he gets his timing down (which won't take long) he'll be able to take his jab away and basically walk him down and get his shots off. Khan can't fight on the inside and once his legs go, he'll start getting flat footed and he's done. If they trade shots then that's advantage Floyd, cause Khan has zero head movement and Mayweather more than likely have more power at WW.

No way Khan comes out of this a winner. Throw this fight in the bushes :camby: