West Coast Legend
That nicca Guerrero had me
with the "PRAISE JESUS!!

I'm a fan of both but Boxing has delivered better lately.ufc>>>boxing
I was thinking the same thing. I'm over watching the UK link and you would think they were a couple of Floyd Coli Stans if you ignored they were white and had British accents.
I was thinking the same thing. I'm over watching the UK link and you would think they were a couple of Floyd Coli Stans if you ignored they were white and had British accents.
I pay for almost every boxing ppv it's the only sport I really follow. I have no issues paying 70 bucks for watching the greatest fighter in the sport put on an amazing display of pure boxing.
If you can't appreciate the things dude does in there then there isn't anything I can really tell you.
All that Jesus talk and he walking with straps on a plane.