She almost never had a career because she failed to appear at random testing, she was banned for four years.

Dawg when she was using PEDs the USADA wasn't even around, they started in the Winter Olympics of that year she never tested the way they do now

How can Roidquez agree to something that wasn't demanded??... And even still it would just be a waste of money since Roidquez coach creates undetectable steroids... of course they would volunteer to these tests if they know they wont get caught duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhAnd your basically saying Pacman is on steroids? Marquez agreed to Olympic style testing, why not Pac-Man?
Why is it hard to believe Marquez knocked out Pac-Man
When Pac-Man knocked out Hatton with ease, who was the bully and muscle of his division, Blinded the Heralded rugged man Margarito, and walked through Cotto's punches effortlessly. He had trouble with smaller dudes way weaker and couldn't walk throught them or KO them. You don't move up and weight and become more powerful than your competition in boxing, it has NEVER HAPPENED IN HISTORY OF THE SPORT
Don't even try it... remenber when Pac man KOd Hatton it was because Floydie somehow took away Hattons spirit when they fought.. When Pac beat Cotto it was because he was soooo drained from being 1 pound less than he was in his previous fight, nevermind how many times he connected to theTropical mexican'sPuerto Ricans face.. When he beat Margerito it was because Marg was just the perfect opponent for pac who only walked forward into Pacs fists, nevermind Pac was getting hurt too in the fight. I remember all these excuses.. Pac wasn't more powerful than his opponents when he moved up, his punches just connect
What it has to do with is just like Margs should have went to prison, Roidquez conditioning coach should have a went to prison but he snitched on everyone involved and got off.. Roidquez decides to hire this guy who was the steroid chemist at BALCO and no one bats an eyelashWhat does this have to do with Margarito USING LOADED GLOVES
he brought a weapon into the ring, he should be BANNED and should've went to prison