What data did he cite? There's data that says there's an elevated risk, but not a 100-fold increase like he's claiming. Studies suggest the risk may be 2 to 10 times higher, but nowhere near what he's suggesting. Plus, factors like family conflict and socioeconomic stress play a big role, not just the presence of a stepparent.
Does child maltreatment occur more often in adoptive and stepfamilies than in biological families? Data were collected from all 17 Dutch child protective services (CPS) agencies on 13,538 cases of certified child maltreatment in 2005. Family composition of the maltreated children was compared to...
In a national probability sample of 1,000 children aged 10-17, youth from single parent and stepfamilies experienced higher rates of several different kinds of victimization compared with youth living with two biological parents. Youth in stepfamilies had the highest overall rates of...
Btw, his area of expertise is marketing. He has no formal training in psychology or biology despite calling himself an "evolutionary psychologist." He's also a racist, zionist freakshow who frequently pushes culture war bullshyt, complains about DEI and "woke" culture, and promotes IQ science.