Matt Striker deavored


Legalize us.
Jul 8, 2012
The North
Striker found a job already according to Meltzer.

Matt Striker, who was axed from WWE yesterday, already has a new job as commentator for Family Wrestling Entertainment.


Cleaner, I got this.
Apr 7, 2013
Don't understand all the hate on ol dude but whatevs. I hope he can
make it back to the E... You can tell he really did love it.


Apr 30, 2012
There are only two persons who can do Cole's job better as the 'main' play-by-play WWE voice, and who the 'E could realistically hire RIGHT NOW to replace him and hold everything together.......and one of those persons DAMN sure ain't Matt "CENA'S FREEEEEEE!!!!" Striker :heh:

(BTW when I say 'realistically', I mean they're not dead, retired, in another company, busy being a wrestler, more of a color commentator instead of a main PBP guy, etc.......)

Seriously........y'all go ahead and let Mr. "I'M MARKIN' OUT, BRO!!" be the main voice of the product, just because he likes to make random references to things and get hyped up like a damn 6-year-old eating candy. Let serious main-event matches and storylines be sold by some cat who sounds like a college fratboy

That nikka had to go :dontlike:.......he can come back when he gets some sense and actually sounds like a real, grown-up commentator, and not some random young IWCer who snuck behind the table and put a headset on

So Michael Cole is actually good to you? :comeon:


Jun 3, 2012
dude seems like an emotional wreck after being let go, I hope he finds his way doing something else.

Metta World Movement

Peace and all!!
May 5, 2012
So Michael Cole is actually good to you? :comeon:

Cole definitely has his flaws (e.g. botches), but overall he does a better job than the IWC will ever admit

And he damn sure isn't as bad as most of the IWC makes him out to be. I've heard people describe Cole in the absolute worst of terms, making it sound like he's bad at commentary in every single possible way, and has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Yeah, he's so HORRIBLE that the 'E decided to let him be the main voice of WWE programming. That's how bad he is ("It's not supposed to be good", right? :heh:)

They hate dude so much that whenever someone else is doing commentary, no matter who he is, you'll always hear "they're better than Cole", even when they're clearly not. Matthews, Striker and Grisham are perfect examples. Each of them might have certain good qualities that Cole doesn't have, but overall none of them can do everything the 'E requires the main PBP commentator to do (again, what the 'E wants them to do; NOT the IWC, who think they can run the show better than Vince)

Striker in particular, is probably the worst out of the three. Yes, he can show emotion and he calls moves (which the IWC really cares about; not too sure about the average 'E fan today). But dude gets too hyped up and panders to the IWC. His voice in itself sounds young, fake and annoying. He makes too many references to random shyt, keeps spittin' out random-ass 'facts' out of nowhere and always spits out dumb nicknames for people. He tries too hard overall, and sounds more like a fanboy than a man who's trying to sell the storylines and overall atmosphere of the 'E to the viewers.

"B-B-But he still shows emotions and he calls more moves in a let him be the main voice for the shows" :heh:


An Honest Man
Mar 7, 2013
Cole definitely has his flaws (e.g. botches), but overall he does a better job than the IWC will ever admit

And he damn sure isn't as bad as most of the IWC makes him out to be. I've heard people describe Cole in the absolute worst of terms, making it sound like he's bad at commentary in every single possible way, and has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Yeah, he's so HORRIBLE that the 'E decided to let him be the main voice of WWE programming. That's how bad he is ("It's not supposed to be good", right? :heh:)

They hate dude so much that whenever someone else is doing commentary, no matter who he is, you'll always hear "they're better than Cole", even when they're clearly not. Matthews, Striker and Grisham are perfect examples. Each of them might have certain good qualities that Cole doesn't have, but overall none of them can do everything the 'E requires the main PBP commentator to do (again, what the 'E wants them to do; NOT the IWC, who think they can run the show better than Vince)

Striker in particular, is probably the worst out of the three. Yes, he can show emotion and he calls moves (which the IWC really cares about; not too sure about the average 'E fan today). But dude gets too hyped up and panders to the IWC. His voice in itself sounds young, fake and annoying. He makes too many references to random shyt, keeps spittin' out random-ass 'facts' out of nowhere and always spits out dumb nicknames for people. He tries too hard overall, and sounds more like a fanboy than a man who's trying to sell the storylines and overall atmosphere of the 'E to the viewers.

"B-B-But he still shows emotions and he calls more moves in a let him be the main voice for the shows" :heh:

Cole gets NO reaction from the crowd now, atleast before he was booed, now he's just there, jbl is infinitely better than cole and coles been there since 97

matt striker could've atleast replaced lawler and been the smartass pretty boy guy

Metta World Movement

Peace and all!!
May 5, 2012
Cole gets NO reaction from the crowd now, atleast before he was booed, now he's just there, jbl is infinitely better than cole and coles been there since 97

matt striker could've atleast replaced lawler and been the smartass pretty boy guy

Who cares how the crowd reacts to him? That has nothing to do with the actual commentary. They cheer Lawler; does that mean Lawler isn't garbage now?

And JBL is better than Cole? Question: better at what, exactly?

See, that's the problem. Everyone seems to think there's only one type of commentary that all of the commentators are doing. JBL and his voice isn't built for play-by-play, and being the main voice of the product that viewers usually hear. Like I said, there are only two others who could realistically take Cole's place now as the full-time main PBP voice right now.....those two are JR and Joey Styles (again, this doesn't include commentators who are dead, retired, working for another company, etc.)

Now as a color commentator? Of course JBL would be MILES better than Cole, as would many others.....but then again, that's not Cole's intended role in the first place

And Lawler shouldn't even be mentioned because at this point, ANYONE would be better than him.....yes, including Striker. You know you're bad when even some in the IWC are saying you're worse than Cole


An Honest Man
Mar 7, 2013
Who cares how the crowd reacts to him? That has nothing to do with the actual commentary. They cheer Lawler; does that mean Lawler isn't garbage now?

And JBL is better than Cole? Question: better at what, exactly?

See, that's the problem. Everyone seems to think there's only one type of commentary that all of the commentators are doing. JBL and his voice isn't built for play-by-play, and being the main voice of the product that viewers usually hear. Like I said, there are only two others who could realistically take Cole's place now as the full-time main PBP voice right now.....those two are JR and Joey Styles (again, this doesn't include commentators who are dead, retired, working for another company, etc.)

Now as a color commentator? Of course JBL would be MILES better than Cole, as would many others.....but then again, that's not Cole's intended role in the first place

And Lawler shouldn't even be mentioned because at this point, ANYONE would be better than him.....yes, including Striker. You know you're bad when even some in the IWC are saying you're worse than Cole


Yes who cares how the people paying the money to see the show or watching at home like the so called voice of the company

reason why jr was around forever and vince kept bringing him back is because the fans loved him, hell they even dragged jr out at wm just to call undertaker matches because even the boys know cole is trash, he's never called a big match good EVER, hell the most entertaining thing he's ever done was mock the whole nxt show while calling it, cm punk was a better commentator than michael cole

Metta World Movement

Peace and all!!
May 5, 2012

Yes who cares how the people paying the money to see the show or watching at home like the so called voice of the company

reason why jr was around forever and vince kept bringing him back is because the fans loved him, hell they even dragged jr out at wm just to call undertaker matches because even the boys know cole is trash, he's never called a big match good EVER, hell the most entertaining thing he's ever done was mock the whole nxt show while calling it, cm punk was a better commentator than michael cole

Well, I wonder why they never asked for Striker to call their big matches in place of Cole? :leon:

I mean, he was right there the whole time......why drag good ol' JR out of semi-retirement, when there's another younger, full-time commentator who's also SOOOOOO MUCH better than Cole? :myspotnash: Why didn't Taker put Striker over and give him a shot to call a big match, like he tried to do for younger cats like Maven during that Royal Rumble?


You can big up JR all you want (although I don't know why, since I already said he could easily replace Cole, and I never acted like Cole was better than him).....but that still doesn't erase the fact that Striker couldn't do Cole's job as well as him. Yeah, JR can do it, no shyt.......he's been doing it ever since Cole was a war correspondent :salute:. CM Punk? I heard him on commentary and he's pretty good; he could probably do the job, too.....but he's busy being a wrestler, so......:manny:

And BTW, Cole was great during Eddie vs. Lesnar :ohlawd:......but I don't expect the blind haters to acknowledge anything good about him :manny:


An Honest Man
Mar 7, 2013
Well, I wonder why they never asked for Striker to call their big matches in place of Cole? :leon:

I mean, he was right there the whole time......why drag good ol' JR out of semi-retirement, when there's another younger, full-time commentator who's also SOOOOOO MUCH better than Cole? :myspotnash: Why didn't Taker put Striker over and give him a shot to call a big match, like he tried to do for younger cats like Maven during that Royal Rumble?


You can big up JR all you want (although I don't know why, since I already said he could easily replace Cole, and I never acted like Cole was better than him).....but that still doesn't erase the fact that Striker couldn't do Cole's job as well as him. Yeah, JR can do it, no shyt.......he's been doing it ever since Cole was a war correspondent :salute:. CM Punk? I heard him on commentary and he's pretty good; he could probably do the job, too.....but he's busy being a wrestler, so......:manny:

And BTW, Cole was great during Eddie vs. Lesnar :ohlawd:......but I don't expect the blind haters to acknowledge anything good about him :manny:

No eddie and lesnar were great during eddie vs lesnar, that match could've had no commentating and would've still been just as big a moment, cole added nothing and has never added anything, hes just been that metrosexual cat with the adopted kids that nobody ever liked


El Cocodrilo

Nov 19, 2012
Just cause Matt Striker sucks doesnt make Michael Cole any good. I don't understand this defending of mediocre wack ass bullshyt like Cole or The Miz.

Michael Cole is fukking wack and mediocre.

WWE is supposed to be the big leagues.