Cole definitely has his flaws (e.g. botches), but overall he does a better job than the IWC will ever admit
And he damn sure isn't as bad as most of the IWC makes him out to be. I've heard people describe Cole in the absolute worst of terms, making it sound like he's bad at commentary in every single possible way, and has no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Yeah, he's so HORRIBLE that the 'E decided to let him be the main voice of WWE programming. That's how bad he is ("It's not supposed to be good", right?

They hate dude so much that whenever someone else is doing commentary, no matter who he is, you'll always hear "they're better than Cole", even when they're clearly not. Matthews, Striker and Grisham are perfect examples. Each of them might have certain good qualities that Cole doesn't have, but overall none of them can do everything the 'E requires the main PBP commentator to do (again, what the 'E wants them to do; NOT the IWC, who think they can run the show better than Vince)
Striker in particular, is probably the worst out of the three. Yes, he can show emotion and he calls moves (which the IWC really cares about; not too sure about the average 'E fan today). But dude gets too hyped up and panders to the IWC. His voice in itself sounds young, fake and annoying. He makes too many references to random shyt, keeps spittin' out random-ass 'facts' out of nowhere and always spits out dumb nicknames for people. He tries too hard overall, and sounds more like a fanboy than a man who's trying to sell the storylines and overall atmosphere of the 'E to the viewers.
"B-B-But he still shows emotions and he calls more moves in a let him be the main voice for the shows"