- The WM26 MITB where Swagger won. I would've preferred anyone else winning that. ANYONE else. Even Drew Mac, who I barely knew before that night
- Jericho beating Triple H for the WWF title.....and then it gets reversed over some ol' bullshyt. Wasn't even a Jericho fan like that; I just liked seeing Triple H get owned for once
- HHH/Booker racist promo: I honestly didn't even give a fukk about either of these dudes until that promo. I'm not some pro-black type of breh; I don't generally be on some "say it loud, I'm black and I'm proud" shyt. Honestly, a white boy can come right up to my face, call me a ****** and I'd just be like
and walk away without a bit of anger in me. But when big nose dropped that ether on him...."your nappy hair, and your 'suckas'"......
that did something to my soul. I was behind Booker 100% to beat his ASS. Too bad he still lost the damn match
- The first Diva swimsuit contest in the PG era.....they might as well have come out wearing full-body eskimo suits
- DX beating down Kane.....then Tori betrays Kane by kissing X-Pac
.....I felt that burnt-up nikka's pain on that one. I'll NEVER forget when he finally tombstoned that ho for that
- A similar one is the Phineas (from the Godwinns) and Sunny angle....she got him to confess his love for her then shytted on him right afterwards.....felt legit bad for him until he got back at her and slopped her, lol