WOW brehs I was not expecting Courtney to beat Elizabeth the Terminator
I'm sick Leslie got bounced off a schoolboy error. Salt instead of sugar ffs
Leslie did have one final troll moment talking about "is he alright?

" when Elizabeth's husband fainted
"Just because I work in an office and not at a gentleman's club doesn't mean I don't deserve to win the competition" - I'm as #HOH as anybody on this site but that was a low fukking blow on Elizabeth's part. Courntey's family and friends were there. Her 6 year old brother didn't need to hear that c'mon now
Courtney got the last laugh though
IMO this was easily the best season of MasterChef.
By the way. Kira Novak was looking TOOOOOO RIGHT up on that balcony boy. Baddest chef I've seen in all 5 seasons