Master Fard Muhammad and Buddhism


Duck Season
May 2, 2012
Los Scandalous
Okay and why is that an ISSUE?!?

120 inspired me to travel in all those 'paths" at one point

I love the fact that it shows the parallels between all these schools of thought and provide an alternative to the Institutional religions ...
its not to be taken "negatively" persay, but the kobe face can throw it off.

Born U Truth, if you have a wack ass enlightener, you can be lead in the wrong direction, like not understanding that the 120 is allegory. As i get older, I come to see how amazing the whole ovement actually was. I have legit been talking to a brother about doing like a real ass documentary and getting proper funding.


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
This guy Paul:francis:

He runs from valid points and opposition

And if you view the pages in this thread and various ones like it around the internets...
Or verbal builds in real life

These views Crumble in the face of Strong knowledge and mathematics:wow:


May 1, 2012
greeks largely got their doctrine from kemet

Egyptian culture influenced Greece the same way Indian influenced the far eastern nations. It had a cultural impact but it's not fair to say that they "got their doctrines" from India.

But there isn't a doubt in my mind that the NOI and Moorish science temple were inspired by varying degrees to the theosophy movement, and the theosophy movement in turn considered the Vedas ("scriptures" behind hinduism) to be the source of all Wisdom:


All this "Knowledge of SELF" stuff is taken from Vedanta. Vedanta uses a "negative dialectic" to ultimately establish the underlying reality of the SELF or Brahman. ie; "Build/Destroy." In ancient India grammar was tied to philosophy and religion:

Vyākaraṇa - Wikipedia

Sphoṭa - Wikipedia

That's why similarly, in the NOI and NGE "language" plays a huge role in understanding and teaching the doctrine. They just put an "Islamic face" on their movement. In reality it has nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with Hinduism.


Rouge AI
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
Egyptian culture influenced Greece the same way Indian influenced the far eastern nations. It had a cultural impact but it's not fair to say that they "got their doctrines" from India.

But there isn't a doubt in my mind that the NOI and Moorish science temple were inspired by varying degrees to the theosophy movement, and the theosophy movement in turn considered the Vedas ("scriptures" behind hinduism) to be the source of all Wisdom:


All this "Knowledge of SELF" stuff is taken from Vedanta. Vedanta uses a "negative dialectic" to ultimately establish the underlying reality of the SELF or Brahman. ie; "Build/Destroy." In ancient India grammar was tied to philosophy and religion:

Vyākaraṇa - Wikipedia

Sphoṭa - Wikipedia

That's why similarly, in the NOI and NGE "language" plays a huge role in understanding and teaching the doctrine. They just put an "Islamic face" on their movement. In reality it has nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with Hinduism.
Off topic are you Indian or afro dravidian?


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
Egyptian culture influenced Greece the same way Indian influenced the far eastern nations. It had a cultural impact but it's not fair to say that they "got their doctrines" from India.

But there isn't a doubt in my mind that the NOI and Moorish science temple were inspired by varying degrees to the theosophy movement, and the theosophy movement in turn considered the Vedas ("scriptures" behind hinduism) to be the source of all Wisdom:


All this "Knowledge of SELF" stuff is taken from Vedanta. Vedanta uses a "negative dialectic" to ultimately establish the underlying reality of the SELF or Brahman. ie; "Build/Destroy." In ancient India grammar was tied to philosophy and religion:

Vyākaraṇa - Wikipedia

Sphoṭa - Wikipedia

That's why similarly, in the NOI and NGE "language" plays a huge role in understanding and teaching the doctrine. They just put an "Islamic face" on their movement. In reality it has nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with Hinduism.
Islam.... In its proper form rejects no truth. Period..

Yes its (noi) influenced by Afrikan cultures by way of.. Indian culture and others... But some of it is str8 up from Mecca and Kemet. Some from East Afrika

You attempt to narrow it to Vendanta- when Vendanta isn't even a root knowledge itself


May 1, 2012
Islam.... In its proper form rejects no tr uth. Period..

Yes its (noi) influenced by Afrikan cultures by way of.. Indian culture and others... But some of it is str8 up from Mecca and Kemet. Some from East Afrika

You attempt to narrow it to Vendanta- when Vendanta isn't even a root knowledge itself

Well technically "Islam" isn't really ancient at all. Neither is Mecca...and when I say that I mean in relation to ancient Egypt and India. Nobody cared about Mecca until the common era. So when the lessons say the "root of civilization" is in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, are we to take that at face value, or should we dig deeper?

If we stick to the lessons, India is the only other place aside from Arabia and Africa that is named clearly. In the 1-14, two consecutive degrees give some context:

3. Why did we let half-original man, Columbus, discover the Poor Part of the planet earth?

Answer: Because the original man is the God and Owner of the Earth, and knows every square inch of it, and has chosen for himself the Best Part. He did not care about the Poor Part. Columbus was a half-original man was born in Italy, which is southeast Europe. His full name was Christopher Columbus and the place he discovered was North America. He found the Indians here who were exiled sixteen thousand years ago from India. They are original people.

4. Why did we run Yacob and his made Devil from the Root of Civilization, over the hot desert, into the caves of West Asia, as they now call it - Europe? What is the meaning of Eu and Rope? How long ago? What did the Devil bring with him? What kind of life did he live? And how long before Mossa came to teach the Devil of the forgotten Tricknollegy?

Answer: Because they had started making trouble among the righteous people telling lies. They accused the righteous people causing them to fight and kill one another. Yacub was an original man and was the Father of the Devil. He taught the Devils to do this devilishment. The Root of Civilization is in the Arabian Desert. We took from them everything except the language and made him walk every step of the way. It was twenty- two hundred miles. He went savage and lived in the caves of Europe. Eu means hillsides and Rope is the rope to bind in. It was six thousand nineteen years ago. Mossa came two thousand years later and taught him how to live a respectful life, how to build a home for himself and some of the Tricknollegy that Yacub taught him, which was devilishment - telling lies, stealing any how to master the original man. Mossa was a half-original, a prophet, which was predicted by the Twenty-Three Scientists in the year, One - fifteen thousand nineteen years ago today.

In the understanding degree it says the North American Indians were exiled from India 16,000 years ago. It also says they are original people. Now in the culture degree it says the root of civilization is in the "Arabian desert," and that Yakubs made devils were exiled to the caves of Europe, referred to elsewhere as the "hills of West Asia." We can take that literally, but does it make sense? How can a "desert" be the root of civilization? This video breaks down how Yakubs made devil was exiled from India, not Arabia:

Why do you think the NOI and the Moorish Science Temple before it esteems "Asia?" The original man is the "Asiatic" Black Man. India is the root of civilization in Asia. The NOI says that originally all Black people used to have straight hair and dark skin just like Indians...then Shabazz took his tribe into the jungles of Africa where their hair curled up and their facial features adapted over the course of 50,000 years. Malcolm X talked about it in one of his older speeches back when he was still in the NOI:

"....So this scientist named Shabazz took his family and wandered down into the jungles of Africa. Prior to that time no one lived in the jungles of Africa. Our people were soft; they were black but they were soft and delicate, fine. They had straight hair. Right here on this Earth you find some of them look like that today. They are black as night, but their hair is like silk, and originally all our people had that kind of hair. But this scientist took his family down into the jungles of Africa, and living in the open, living a jungle life, eating all kinds of food had an effect on the appearance of our people. Actually living in the rough climate, our hair became stiff, like it is now. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad says that the only hair that the black man has today that looks now like it looked prior to fifty thousand years ago is your and my eyebrows. Right here, you notice, all Negroes has straight -- I don't care how nappy their hair is -- they have straight eyebrows. When you see a nappy-hair-eyebrowed Negro [chuckle] you got somebody. But all of this took place back in history, and everything The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches is based on history. Now then, where does this white man come in?"

As for Vedanta, in order to understand where I'm coming from you have to really be familiar with Hindu philosophy, Vedas, Puranas, etc; it's tough to expound on it all in a post, but generally speaking:

-The Indian spiritual systems are the only systems that speak of history in clear terms of billions and trillions of years. No other spiritual system does this: Hindu units of time - Wikipedia

-Ancient Hindu texts like the Puranas were meant to teach divine knowledge, usually in the form of an exchange between teacher and student (like the lessons), before finally being introduced to the truths of the Upanishads, where it is revealed that the SELF is ultimate, underlying reality for the world experience.

- The Brahma sutras, which is one of the fundamental texts for Vedanta, is composed in aphoristic form, very similar to the way the 1-36 is presented.

We don't have texts or literature from Kemet/Egypt where these philosophical ideas are laid out and developed. In India, divine knowledge was passed down from teacher (Guru) to disciple in succession until the present day : Parampara - Wikipedia we don't have any evidence Kemet operated in the same manner. People only speculate on what the ancient Egyptians believed in terms of philosophy, so when you are trying to draw parallels to the way the NOI has constructed and presented it's doctrine, logic will take you to India over any place else.

One thing is for sure....none of this has anything to do with Islam when you really put it under a microscope.


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
Well technically "Islam" isn't really ancient at all. Neither is Mecca...and when I say that I mean in relation to ancient Egypt and India. Nobody cared about Mecca until the common era. So when the lessons say the "root of civilization" is in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, are we to take that at face value, or should we dig deeper?

If we stick to the lessons, India is the only other place aside from Arabia and Africa that is named clearly. In the 1-14, two consecutive degrees give some context:

In the understanding degree it says the North American Indians were exiled from India 16,000 years ago. It also says they are original people. Now in the culture degree it says the root of civilization is in the "Arabian desert," and that Yakubs made devils were exiled to the caves of Europe, referred to elsewhere as the "hills of West Asia." We can take that literally, but does it make sense? How can a "desert" be the root of civilization? This video breaks down how Yakubs made devil was exiled from India, not Arabia:

Why do you think the NOI and the Moorish Science Temple before it esteems "Asia?" The original man is the "Asiatic" Black Man. India is the root of civilization in Asia. The NOI says that originally all Black people used to have straight hair and dark skin just like Indians...then Shabazz took his tribe into the jungles of Africa where their hair curled up and their facial features adapted over the course of 50,000 years. Malcolm X talked about it in one of his older speeches back when he was still in the NOI:

As for Vedanta, in order to understand where I'm coming from you have to really be familiar with Hindu philosophy, Vedas, Puranas, etc; it's tough to expound on it all in a post, but generally speaking:

-The Indian spiritual systems are the only systems that speak of history in clear terms of billions and trillions of years. No other spiritual system does this: Hindu units of time - Wikipedia

-Ancient Hindu texts like the Puranas were meant to teach divine knowledge, usually in the form of an exchange between teacher and student (like the lessons), before finally being introduced to the truths of the Upanishads, where it is revealed that the SELF is ultimate, underlying reality for the world experience.

- The Brahma sutras, which is one of the fundamental texts for Vedanta, is composed in aphoristic form, very similar to the way the 1-36 is presented.

We don't have texts or literature from Kemet/Egypt where these philosophical ideas are laid out and developed. In India, divine knowledge was passed down from teacher (Guru) to disciple in succession until the present day : Parampara - Wikipedia we don't have any evidence Kemet operated in the same manner. People only speculate on what the ancient Egyptians believed in terms of philosophy, so when you are trying to draw parallels to the way the NOI has constructed and presented it's doctrine, logic will take you to India over any place else.

One thing is for sure....none of this has anything to do with Islam when you really put it under a microscope.

His videos are HEAVY on agenda and off base

Your pov is off base

And Islam pre dates mecca and the Prophet Muhammad


May 1, 2012
His videos are HEAVY on agenda and off base

Your pov is off base

And Islam pre dates mecca and the Prophet Muhammad

He may have an agenda but that's besides the point. He presents clear evidences. Can you disprove them? Too much of the NOI's theology and doctrine can be traced to Indian sources for this to just be mere coincidence.

Shabazz isn't even an Arabic name. The name is only popular on the subcontinent. Here is another vid where he demonstrates that the subcontinent is 9000 miles away by water from North America:
