Mass Shooting in Dayton, Ohio; 9 Dead, 27 Wounded, 6 African American


Pachuca Sunrise.
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
And he wasn't locked up? :dahell: these cacs man... and far as motive go, the only working motive we got right now is his sister dating a breh
White privilege. There was a black dude who was arrested in Texas cause his grandmother said he was gonna do the same thing. White people get the benefit of the doubt.

Has his sister's bf been confirmed?


Aug 29, 2013
Breh I wish y’all could see the local news covering Trump’s visit to Dayton. This old lady Ultra Instinct level c00ning for this man. :hhh:

@K2DAP turn on Fox 45 if you have the chance

Some of my peoples are down there protesting. They got a big baby trump balloon and shyt. President Cheetos needs to go to Toldeo. We dont fukk with that dude here :camby:

Unknown Poster

I had to do it to em.
Aug 28, 2015
SOHH Class of 2006
Yo, coli fam, I had to go the fukk off on somebody IRL for saying some dumb shyt in regards to this shooting and the one in El Paso two days.

This was at work. This white passing mexican/jewish guy (basically white guy) was trying to tell me how pissed off he was about the El Paso shooting cause he specifically targeted hispanics and had a manifesto and all of that. Then in the same breath tried to dismiss white supremacist violence and domestic terrorism as it isn't a problem, I then responded by saying that the majority of terrorist activity since 9/11 has been carried out by white domestic terrorists.

He then tried to talk about false flags :scust: and crisis actors :scust: and a bunch of conspiracy theories. I said I don't believe in fairy tales and that I actually knew people who lost people in those shootings and that to dismiss real acts of violence as just orchestrated events is disrespectful to the families of those who lost sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, etc. in those events. He then tried to talk about how Alex Jones was right sometimes :mjpls: :scust: then tried to act like I'm the one that was poorly informed and just a sucker for what the media tells me. :comeon:Then he tried to talk about secret societies and The knights of templar :usure:and freemasons:what:and the royal family and the british empire :martin:

Then I discussed something that the coli put me onto...I just said "why is it that people always like to talk about crisis actors, and false flag attacks and conspiradcy theories when white guys commit acts of domestic terror, but when black on black gun violence goes on in the hood or other demographics are the victims of gun violence these theories are never discussed?" :patrice:

He then tried to tell me that "that's cause they don't want you to pay attention to anything that isn't state sponsoired violence."

Then I responded "how are rogue white guys committing acts of terror state sponsored violence":what:

Then he tried to sympathize with the Dayton, OH shooter saying that his band was kind of cool :scust: :mjpls: even though his bandmates are trying to scrub the internet of any and all of their music cause they don't want to be associated with it or have it blow up because of that murder. HE then tried to act like that shooting wasn't racially motivated, then I said that the shooter killed his sister and her boyfriend cause she was dating a black guy and he killed six other black people...:wtb:

He couldn't even come up with an answer and at this point I'm so fukking annoyed and disgusted I had enough of it.

I told him "Listen, I'm not even going to say anything else to you. You always want to be right, you're arrogant, and you make it seem as anybody that doesn't aggree with you is in the wrong....and frankly I've had ENOUGH of your insufferable opinions!"

This guy shut his goddamn mouth up so fast after that and couldn't even look me in the eye afterwards.


Seriously what the fukk is wrong with white people, biracial white people and white passing people? yall psychopaths.