Seriously, this was really getting on my nerves today yesterday while I was at work.
Why are white guys seemingly so angry at the world when the wiorld is literally given to them on an oyster?

white guys don't have to worry about getting racially profiled by cops, don't have to worry about not getting approved for a loan, don't have to worry about finding employment...hell yall can even work the jobs that you KNOW you aren't qualified for, your countries were never colonized by others, infact you were doing the colonizing, your families did not have to escape war torn countries to find a better life in America, your great great grandparents were never enslaved, yall can go damn near anywhere in the 50 states in America and be surrounded by people that look like you and your family members 9 times out of 10,, white guys are seen as the most desirable men by women of all races, can go into any other country and be respected by the locals and natives alike, own damn near all the businesses and corporations in the western world, control the economy, control the government, control the media, etc etc etc.
Basically white guys are top of teh proverbial foodchain due to racism, white supremacy, and white why the fukk are they so goddamn mad at seemingly everyone and everything?
Sometimes I think they're angry because they can't rape and kill whoever they to and they're angry simply because non-white people just exist and wont grovel at their feet with unearned praise because they exist. Either way, I'm just disgusted by it and beyond infuriated especially when it leades to them lashing out and killing innocent people simply because they didn't know how to maximize their racial privilege and unearned benefits.