this may sound batsh1t crazy, and it probably is batsh1t crazy. but i think the best way to deter these types of shootings going forward is for the government to conveniently allow the suspect to be kidnapped by a vigilante group, who then proceeds to torture the suspect on youtube for the world to see. and the torture should last at least 3 days.
i assure u, this will cure the problem.
if u think u gon mass murder scores of people and get to chill in a jail cell , think again.
They would only kidnap and torture him for being caught and sloppy enough to leave behind proof he was radicalized by Trump and his allies (white nationalists). The government, especially this current administration, is sooooo happy that they can take the hoods off and not have to hide who they are anymore. The top law enforcement official in the us is a Reagan/Bush acolyte that is beyond thrilled that he has a president that is willing to not only take bullets, but encourage this behavior. A bunch of people in here mentioned Sandy Hook, which is one of the key points in history in completely showing that this country puts murder, destruction, and violence above quality of life, but for the current jokers in the govt, the crack epidemic was their coup d’état, out in the open, and these large scale human/social experiments are exactly what drives these folks, excites them, makes them whole. The crack epidemic set up the private industrial prison complex, and now we will never get rid of it. Sandy Hook solidified how far they can push the fight against gun laws in this country, and showed us that it will never change until we collapse, these white nationalist/Trump inspired shootings are going to solidify how out in the open our president can be racist, with absolutely zero consequences, said and done, we are looking at what the position of president will be moving forward, and what kind of country we will be living in until collapse.