No, but seriously, this needs to be said: fukk rats. All of them, every single one of them.
They're disgusting to look at, they're annoying and creepy with their constant crawling, they make you lose sleep every night, they're hard to kill without traps or exterminators, they're sneakier than any other animal, they shyt everywhere they can, they chew holes through your food so you can't eat it, they get in spaces you wouldn't even imagine, and they never stop coming around. Sometimes, they get so hungry, they'll come out in broad daylight when people are around, jump on tables, and start chewing on things that aren't even food.
They're fukking scum and they contribute absolutely nothing to society except passing around diseases. If you can get STDs from pigs, imagine what these b*stards carry with them.
I would be more than happy to see them go extinct like dodos. Cut their reproductive organs out, burn them all alive, expose them to the worst torture any living thing could ever experience. When they get put in a laboratory testing out makeup and getting hit with lasers, that's us trying to give them a place in the world they didn't deserve. How come so many of them spend time dwelling in the disgusting parts of the world? Because they're trash and they know it.
The only good rat that ever existed was Master Splinter, rest in peace. And even then, he wasn't born like that, a horrible accident turned him into that and he had to live through it. fukk rats.