Yea I played Fallout 3Fallout first season is a loose interpretation of Fallout 3, where the main character has to look for their father.
Loose (pause) is putting it kindly
Esp when taking all 3 MCs in account
Yea I played Fallout 3Fallout first season is a loose interpretation of Fallout 3, where the main character has to look for their father.
Start from the beginning.
We land on Mars...
Artifacts on the planet, after translating from an ancient Prothean language (with a Rosetta Stone placed by the Asari) shows that there is a jump relay station orbiting Pluto. Turns out Charon isn't a moon (and Pluto ain't a planet). It's an iced over long forgotten out of use Mass Effect relay station (roll credits).
We jump to all the nearest stars ( Alpha Centauri, wolf 359, etc) and building like the sky has no limit till we run into another race building colonies... The Turians, and thus begins the First Contact War!