@FedsI live there. It happened in my cousins neighborhood.
Yeah, to be capable of doing this, there were likely documented domestic violence calls and reports from that household.Thats insane, judges should not have to fear violent retaliations for their judgment, if you dont like it, you can appeal like every other individual
Coli posters only reading headlines again.
Absolutely, Brother!He snatched the kids away from their father, and got his own life snatched from him. nikka thats a perfect excuse, these judges are downright diabolical.
He snatched the kids away from their father, and got his own life snatched from him. nikka thats a perfect excuse, these judges are downright diabolical.
According to the reports, he ordered the father no contact with the kids and over 1k a month in child support...
The father filed for the divorce 1st...
But I'm sure there are other tidbits to the story