Since when does it slow down the aging process that heavily??? Steve was frozen in ice same way bucky was, the reason he aged was because he lived his full life with Peggy...

that makes more sense... even isiah bradley AGED....
So I see you don't follow Comics at all every body who collect comics and follow Captain America knows The Super Solider serum slows down aging
This is From Marvel Database
The Super-Soldier Serum dramatically prevents individuals from aging due to the regeneration of healthy cells
The only time Steve Rodgers aged dramatically was when the super soldier serum was taken out of him and that happened in an arc few years ago.
And There's Marvel Comic Universe and Marvel Cinematic Universe so know the difference between the 2 because Marvel Cinematic Universe fukk up alot of things
So let's get to Elijah Bradley you might want to go read his arc but since you don't do your Googles let me tell you why Elijah Bradley aging process was slowed but not like Steve Rodgers
because the Super Soldier Serum that he took was not perfect it was not the same Super Solider Serum Steve Rodgers took so it deteriorated his body and mind